
A guide to rates of pay for your nanny/childcarer

You don’t have to state how much you are paying in your job ad, but you are likely to get more applicants if you do.

Below are typical average Net rates of pay for particular jobs featured on nannyjob recently. The figures are for information purposes only – they are not suggested rates of pay. Rates will vary depending upon where you live, hours of work, whether the position is live in/out and what additional benefits you are offering.

The difference between Net and Gross pay

Nannies are keen to know how much they will earn after any deductions, this is the Net amount.

You are responsible for ensuring your nanny/childcarer's income tax/pension contributions etc. obligations are being met and for filing information with HMRC. This could be very time consuming unless you are an expert. Our recommended partners at Payroll for nannies can take care of all your obligations for less than £5 a week.

Examples of Net rates being offered

Nannies: £550 per week

After school/Wrap around/Nanny shares: £12 per hour

Nanny-housekeeper: £500 per week

Night nanny: £17 per hour

Governess/Governor: £1,125 per week

Maternity nurse: £18 per hour

Mothers help: £11 per hour

Nanny (special needs): £20 per hour

Au Pairs: £140 per week

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