What to do if Nanny Does Not Have a National Insurance Number?

Our recommended partners at www.PayrollForNannies.co.uk  provide payroll advice for parents and have created this content.

Have you employed a nanny who doesn’t yet have a National Insurance number? Are you a nanny applying for a job but you don’t have a NI number?

Don’t worry!

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Saying Goodbye To The ‘Red Book’

For generations, parents of babies and young children in the UK have used the ‘red book’ to record their child’s development, keep track of vaccinations and monitor baby’s growth.

However, in a recent update from the UK Health Secretary, Matt Hancock announced that in a new bid by the government to stay current and to help improve health services for new mothers and babies, the ‘red book’ will be going digital in 2024.

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Bank Holidays 2019

uk bank holidays

Our partners at www.PayrollForNannies.co.uk  provide payroll advice for parents and nannies and have provided this content.

2019 is upon us and it is always handy to have a list of the bank holidays for the year and what day of the week they fall on.

These are the dates of the bank holidays in 2019 for England.

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Is your phone affecting your relationship with your child?

Frankie and Benny’s have announced that a ‘phone-ban’ at all tables in their UK restaurants will be implemented on a trial basis next week.

After conducting a nationwide survey that found that 72 percent of British children wished that their parents would spend less time on their mobile devices and more time talking to them, the popular restaurant chain has decided to try an incentive to help parents’ step-back from their phones so that the family could reconnect at meal times.

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How to Help Your Child Deal with Nightmares

Nightmares are common in both children and adults, but they affect children very differently.

Adults can understand upon waking that the nightmare wasn’t real, but this isn’t so easy for young children, as the fear they feel during a nightmare can overwhelm rational thought when they wake.

That’s why we’ve put together some advice to help you support your child whenever a nightmare occurs.

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Is Your Child ‘Clingy’ – Top Tips to Help You Cope!

Is your child being clingy? Are you finding it difficult to use the bathroom without your child barging in or crying at the door? Having difficulty leaving them at nursery or with your nanny while you leave for work?

Clinginess is actually a normal phase of development that most children go through at one time or another during their development and whilst it can be difficult for both children and parents to go through, we’ve put together our top tips to help you manage.

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4 Reasons Why You Should Hire a British Nanny

When you think of a British Nanny, the first thought to pop into your mind is quite possibly Mary Poppins, and whilst the average British nanny doesn’t boast flying umbrella’s or the ability to jump into paintings, they are practically perfect in every way.

The USA is seeing a steady rise in the popularity of the British nanny and there are several reasons for this. Here are our top reasons why you should hire a British nanny for your family:

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Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Take Your Child Camping

Camping is the perfect summer activity for families, especially those on a low budget.

That’s why we’ve put together our top 5 reasons why you should take your child camping this summer:

1. Disconnect – Technology is everywhere. We’re in the digital age, which makes it almost unavoidable. Whether it’s TV, smartphones, computers, video games, or tablets; it’s thought that too much screen time can be linked to ADHD, obesity and sleep disorders. Camping allows you to leave the technology at home, immerse yourself in nature and disconnect from the digital world.

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5 Water Activities for Young Children

Help children to stay cool this summer with these 5, fun and simple water activities!

What’s your child’s favourite summer water activity? Share your suggestions in the comments!