Nanny Skills: What Do You Need

As a nanny, you are responsible for the safety and well-being of the children in your care. As a result, it is important that your skills and training are up to scratch. You are likely to be responsible for the children in your care for many hours each week, making it even more important that your skill level is up to scratch.

There is no minimum level of education required to become a nanny – and, in fact, the best nannies are often those with years of experience but no formal childcare qualifications whatsoever.

However, it is a competitive world for childcare providers. The family that hire you want to know that you can do your job, and do it well. More importantly than anything else, they need to know their children are safe with you.

As the 2022 approaches, why not look into gaining some new skills as a nanny, or developing the ones you already have? Here are some ideas to consider.

Paediatric First Aid
This is arguably a qualification that every nanny should have under her belt. You may think you know the basics – and indeed, any first aid is better than no first aid at all – but techniques vary greatly between age groups. Recommended techniques  can change over time, so if it’s been a while since you attended a paediatric first aid course, now’s the time to do it. A basic course will equip you with the knowledge you need to help a choking child, deal with burns and bleeding, and how to administer
CPR. A more advanced course will likely cost more, but the knowledge you gain will be invaluable – and it will really help parents relax, knowing that their child’s caregiver is fully versed in all things safety.

A Driving Licence
If you can’t drive, now is the time to learn. A nanny with a driving licence will almost certainly be picked over a nanny on foot. As a nanny, you will often be responsible for school runs and ferrying children around to various extra curricular activities also. In big cities, public transport is usually very good so a nanny could theoretically get by without a car – but most parents would far prefer it if their nanny
has their own set of wheels (or is at least able to drive the family car).

Child Psychology
Many people (usually those without children) believe that looking after children is easy. This is not the case, as you probably already know. Children are complex creatures, just like adults, and by undertaking a foundation level course in child psychology you will have a far better understanding of the children in your care.
Understanding the motivations between children’s behaviours – especially the undesirable ones – is the key to being an empathetic and effective carer and educator.

Academic Skills
Depending on the ages of the children in your care, you will likely be called on to help with homework at some stage. If you feel your own skills could do with brushing up, don’t hesitate to do so! Look into adult learning evening courses at your local community centre to get your mathematics and literary skills up to scratch.

We are able to offer you some great courses with a training company at a discounted rate for our Nannies, follow this link for the ones they are offering to Nannyjob

Training for Nannies – Nannyjob

Explaining Terrorism to Children

As parents and caregivers, it can be extremely difficult to answer questions from children about terrorism. It’s a heart-breaking subject that you might wish you could push away or not discuss, but it’s quickly becoming a necessity due to the world that we live in.

The act of terrorism and the horror it brings is hard for even most adults to come to terms with and understand, which is why, following the terrible events occurring all over the world, we’ve put together some advice to help explain terrorism to your children.

Continue reading “Explaining Terrorism to Children”

Why You Shouldn’t Micromanage Your Nanny

Many of us are familiar with the frustration that comes along when your boss or manager constantly breathes down your neck telling you how to do your job. It’s undermining, infuriating and annoying, and if done often enough, it can make you hate your job.



Many of us are familiar with the frustration that comes along when your boss or manager constantly breathes down your neck telling you how to do your job. It’s undermining, infuriating and annoying, and if done often enough, it can make you hate your job.

Now imagine how your nanny feels when you tell her exactly what time she needs to put your child down for a nap, how many grapes he can eat, which games she should play with him, even what shape to cut his sandwiches. Sound familiar?

Your nanny is good at her job. You checked her references, read her resumé and can see she knows what she’s talking about. Bear in mind that a great many nannies have more experience with childcare than most parents have at simply being parents. She’s been doing the job a long time, it’s her life, her passion, and you need to learn to let go of the reigns a little and trust her judgement.

It probably won’t be easy, especially if you’re a new parent, it can be difficult to relinquish control to someone new and to put faith in them being able to care for your little one the way you would. However, if you don’t do this, there’s really no point in hiring a nanny in the first place and all your micromanaging will result in a frustrated nanny, a tense relationship between you and your nanny (that your child will probably pick up on) and you’ll find yourself feeling tired and on-edge, when you should be more relaxed and confident that your child is in capable hands.

That’s why we’ve put together our top tips to help keep your micromanaging to a minimum:

Continue reading “Why You Shouldn’t Micromanage Your Nanny”

Get Your Perfect Nanny Job – CV and Interview Techniques

How Should I Prepare My CV?

It’s important to give your CV some thought and spend some time on getting it right. A well presented CV which clearly details your skills and experience can make all the difference in getting the job you really want.

How Should I Structure My CV?

Your CV should be no more than 2 pages in length and include the following sections.

  • Personal Details
  • Employment History
  • Education and Qualifications
  • Key Skills/Strengths
  • Referees/References on Request


  • Make sure your CV is well laid out so that it is immediately easy to read and understand.
  • Use a standard font size, which is easy to read, such as Arial 10.
  • Keep it simple.

What Should I Put In My CV?

  • Focus on information which is relevant to your own career goals.
  • Use concise, unambiguous sentences, avoid exaggerations and a flowery writing style.
  • Do not make false claims; honesty is always the best policy.
  • Bullet points are useful to highlight relevant skills and experience and help break up continuous text.
  • Stress your past accomplishments and the skills you used to get the results you achieved.
  • Put your highest level of education first.
  • Put your most recent job first and work backward chronologically in time.
  • Ensure all dates are accurate and include months as well as years.
  • If you are making a career change, stress what skills are transferable to support your new career objectives.
  • Explain any long career gaps (i.e. travelling, maternity leave etc.) these will only need to be explained to our clients.
  • Keep to the same tense.
  • Customise your CV for specific vacancies by focusing on previous experience or skills that are relevant to the role.
  • Most importantly, always thoroughly proof-read your CV or ask someone to do it for you.

Think about yourself

It is important before a job interview to think about all the reasons why you are attending it and what you have to offer. Be ready to discuss both short and long term career goals in general terms.

What If I Have A Gap?

You will need to explain gaps in employment. If you worked in a temporary capacity but didn’t put it on your CV, know the details of where you worked, what you did, and the length of the assignments. If you did not work but did search for a job give some examples of the research you did regarding job opportunities and the process you went through to find the position.

Reasons for leaving

Prepare to discuss the reasons you left your previous jobs. If it was for a better opportunity, explain why it was better. If you left involuntarily, present the reason in the most positive light you can. Make sure your responses are honest and be positive.

Some points to consider

You must try to consider how you can display your skills and experience in a good and honest light and provide employers with the evidence that you are the right person for the job. Here are some brief points to consider:

  • Are you a self-starter, able to work without constant supervision?
  • Can you be depended upon in critical situations and follow work through to completion?
  • Are you enthusiastic and easy to work with?
  • Can you work under pressure?
  • Recruiters need to know what drives you to want the job and why you want to work for them in particular.
  • Can you manage your time effectively?
  • How do you structure your day’s work?
  • How did you handle sudden unplanned work or a crisis?
  • Can you handle constructive criticism in a productive manner?
  • Are you objective in evaluating yourself and others?
  • Can you work well with a variety of people?

Points to consider throughout the interview

  • Aim for clarity and honesty. Give honest answers with a positive tone.
  • Concentrate on the employer’s needs, not yours.
  • Emphasise how you can help the interviewer achieve their goals.
  • Describe your past responsibilities and accomplishments.
  • Explain why you approached projects in certain ways.
  • Explain how the skills you bring will benefit the interviewer.
  • Don’t downplay your accomplishments or attribute them to luck.
  • Be specific in your answers. Avoid rambling or going off on a tangent.
  • Ask for clarification if you are unsure of the question.
  • Take responsibility for communicating your strengths. Don’t rely on the interviewer to pull it out of you.
  • Explain your past successes, the more you can clearly describe the experience, the people involved, the challenge and the solutions, the more you’ll stand out in the interviewer’s mind.

If you have any questions or comments about this article, please share them at our Facebook page.. thanks!

Special Needs Nannying – Helpful Hints

During a full and rewarding career as a nanny, situations will inevitably arise that provide a real challenge to you, and as we all know, from day to day the job is always varied and can be very interesting!

One situation you may find yourself in is becoming a nanny for a child who has special needs or learning difficulties. This can be one of the most rewarding challenges you can face in your career, and making a difference to a child in this situation is something you’ll take with you, and ultimately give you job satisfaction.

During a full and rewarding career as a nanny, situations will inevitably arise that provide a real challenge to you, and as we all know, from day to day the job is always varied and can be very interesting!

One situation you may find yourself in is becoming a nanny for a child who has special needs or learning difficulties. This can be one of the most rewarding challenges you can face in your career, and making a difference to a child in this situation is something you’ll take with you, and ultimately give you job satisfaction.

Of course, each child is different in any situation, and special needs vary in severity, but here we have compiled some general helpful pointers:

  • Clarity from parents Before you start, you’ll need to know as much as possible about the child, his current care plan, what makes him tick and what his limitations and frustrations are. The parents should provide this information before you start, but you’d be amazed at how many parents let you find things out for yourself. Ask for a comprehensive written care plan from them, and if you feel it necessary ask for time to chat to them every so often about how the care is going.
  • Network If the needs of the child have already been picked up on and you are going into this role with knowledge that the child has special needs, It is very likely that you will be working alongside other professionals; speech, physio, and occupational therapists, teachers etc. It will make your life easier if you have contact with these professionals, so that you’re in the know about what care is already taking place, and they may be able to shed some light on anything particular to the child that will help your role.
  • Build up trust Again, managing this all depends on the severity of the child’s needs, but (as with all children you nanny for) building up trust is vital if you are going to make it a long term, happy arrangement. Many children with special needs will need more time than usual to get a trusting relationship built up, and their frustrations can show before this happens, however over time you’ll hopefully find that you strike up a really good bond between you both, which will lead to a really satisfying role for you in the child’s life.
  • Encourage capabilities One of the best ways of helping a child with special needs, is to make them feel capable. Getting a heads up from parents on capabilities and limitations is important, but as time goes on you will realise for yourself what these are. Providing developmentally appropriate activities that will help the child feel capable, whilst avoiding activities that can be done only a certain way is the best way to go about this.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is to not get phased, and to remember what you’re there for! No doubt you’re already a fairly experienced nanny, meaning you know a bit about how to get the best out of a child in your care, and have a proven track record in doing this. Don’t lose sight of this role, and don’t be phased by this new situation. A good nanny will be aware of a child with special needs’ limitations, but also help them reach their full potential. First and foremost the child you are looking after is a child. It is secondary that they have additional needs.

Be sure to let us know if you have any experience or feedback on this issue, via our Facebook page..

What is a “Nanny Share”?

Imagine having your children cared for in the home while you work. You might argue that hiring a nanny is not something you can afford. Well, how about sharing your nanny with another family and paying her a part-time salary?

Imagine having your children cared for in the home while you work. You might argue that hiring a nanny is not something you can afford. Well, how about sharing your nanny with another family and paying her a part-time salary? A nanny share is an arrangement whereby a nanny is employed by more than one family to care for the children in each family. In this current economic climate where many couples are struggling with childcare costs, teaming up with another family and sharing a nanny may be the solution. It’s less of a burden on the family finances and at the same time, you have peace of mind knowing that your child is being cared for in a home environment by a professional.

Finding a family that fits
First, you will have to find a family interested in sharing a nanny. How can you be sure that you and the other family will be a good fit? You need to consider the following basic points: does the other family live close enough? Do you have similar child-rearing philosophies? You should explain your approach to discipline and your children’s dietary habits. Be as open and frank as possible. Discussing the care of your children can be the hardest thing in the world to do, but there is no use settling for something which may not work further down the line. It might be easier to share with a family you don’t know extremely well rather than a very good friend.

Both families and the nanny will have to tailor the arrangement to meet their needs. For example, will the nanny mind the children in your house or the other family’s or will she work half the week at your house and half the week with the other family? You should draw up a written contract to ensure that arrangements between all parties are agreed and understood. It should include hours of work, pay and duties and stipulate how holidays will be managed. It may not be feasible for both families and the nanny to take holidays at the same time. One family may have to make alternative arrangements if the shared nanny is on holiday at the same time as the other family. This needs to be written down in clear and precise terms.

Some advantages of a nanny share
There are several advantages for many families. Your children will have the best of both worlds: a one-to-one relationship with their carer but with other children for play and company. You have the flexibility of a nanny with lower costs. If the nanny is ill you will have additional backup – both families could share the childcare between them.

A little advice
It is very important that both families are flexible and tolerant, and you have to be ready to trust each other. Remember to always be punctual as it can mess up the arrangement for the other family. Do keep your nanny’s welfare in mind. She is the lynchpin of the arrangement. Provision will need to be made in the contract for the possibility of one family or the other opting out of the nanny share. It should be clear who has the responsibility for finding another family with whom to share should this arise. Lastly, it is a good idea for all parties to get together on a regular basis. It is not uncommon for niggles to arise over the fairness of the arrangement. The best way to resolve or diminish these problems is by planning to stay in regular contact and being open with one another. It may be worth meeting with the nanny and the other family on a fortnightly basis to ensure things are running smoothly and to iron out any difficulties.

Is it for me?
Increasingly we hear reports of childcare costs rising, often making it more difficult for both parents to continue working. A nanny share is a flexible childcare solution that appeals to people in a variety of situations. You may work full-time and wish to reduce your childcare bill; or you work part-time and only require childcare on specific days or at certain times; or you are on maternity leave and no longer need a full-time nanny. Whichever situation you find yourself in, it may be worth considering a nanny share for your childcare needs.

Private to State: Making The Move When Private Education Is No Longer An Option

Let’s face it, if you have a child in private education and money has become tight, the last thing you want to have to consider is moving them into a state school. Unless the child is happier doing this, most of us would consider altering our finances in all other areas before we have to consider this one. But with the middle classes being the hardest hit by the covid and Brexit, more parents than ever are now having to make this change.

 If you’ve found yourself in this situation, it’s really important not to see it as the end of your child’s future, it may even be a good thing, there are some amazing state schools and the old argument that as she  private education is the only ticket to Oxbridge and a wonderful career is no longer true.

Here are our tips for dealing with this kind of change:


If you’ve made the decision, stick to it, and wholeheartedly commit to it. There are so many positives to state education. Cast your mind across all the successful and happy people you know – chances are many of them had a state education. Once you’ve made the decision, be upfront and positive with your children, friends and family.


This is NOT something to be ashamed of – and for goodness sake don’t let your children think it is. If they sense that you feel this way then they will feel bad too, so make it into an exciting adventure for them as much as you can – something new where they will meet lots of new friends.

Apply the savings

Work out what you’ll be saving on school fees, and mentally dedicate the money to an area where it needs to be. In doing this, you’ll realise that paying for the necessary things will have just as much benefit to your child. It may be paying for household bills, running two cars, or being able to have holidays. Don’t lose sight of how these things benefit the family, and explain to the child that this money is going to help them just as much in different ways.

Getting it right

If proximity to the school is a factor in whether or not your child gets a place there, check out how long the waiting list is. It may be that you have to wait a couple more terms before they can start, however, if you appear to be an involved parent who will play a part in fundraising for the school then the chances are that the head teacher will push you up the list.


Your child will no doubt make friends very quickly in a new situation, but if it’s at all possible it’s a good idea to find out if you know anyone who has a child at the new school, even better of the same age / in the same class. You’ll feel happier, and your child won’t be walking in cold.


This may seem obvious, but if you realise you need to make this move, it’s not always at a convenient time (I.e the end of one term ready to start the next). It’s always better for a child to start a new school at the start of a new school year, or a new term if that’s not possible. Try, if you can, to plan it around this.

Let us know your thoughts on this blog post on our Facebook page….

Starting School – Five Tips For Dealing With Your Own Anxiety

You’ve been waiting for the day for over four years, knowing that you will be immensely proud and excited but also feel a certain sadness that toddler days are officially over. The chances are that your little champ will be raring to go and excited, so how do you deal with the nerves and anxiety that all parents go through leading up to that all important day in September – your little one’s first day at school?

Don’t let it show!

If your little one picks up on your anxiety and relates it to their new situation, they will think its something to worry about, so show them only how exciting and fun it will be, so they only see it as a good thing.

Talk it through

It’s always a good idea to get to know mums of other children starting the same school. The chances are that you already do, if your little one is moving up from a nursery with some chums. If this isn’t the case and you don’t know anyone at the new school, then do your best to find out of any neighbours or associates know anyone at the same school. Making friends with fellow parents and chatting to them about any concerns will help.

Become active!

Becoming an active member of any group or activity that the school has will help you to feel secure and happy about your child attending. If there is a PTA (Parent and Teacher Association) or simply a group of people who help with Summer and Christmas fairs, become a part of things and you will no doubt see that there is no need to feel anxious about the starting school step for your child.

Be prepared!

The last thing your child needs is you rushing him or her around the day before buying new shoes and P.E kits. Make sure you have things in order, tagged up, and ready for school at least a week before the first day. That way you (and your little one) can have a calm few days before hand, and any unnecessary stresses won’t be there.

Role play

You will feel much happier if you feel that your child knows what to expect. Even if he or she has been for mornings or half days to get to know the school, it will help put your mind at rest if you do some role play with your tot before his first day. Things like running through him putting his hand up if he needs the toilet, or showing him the things that you’ll pack into his lunchbox will all help. This will reduce some of the unfamiliar aspects, and if you make this a fun thing (I.e don’t show him your anxiety!) then it will ease your mind that he sees this new challenge as an exciting one.

Do you think we’ve got this one right?! Let us have your comments on our Facebook page…

How to Find a Good Nanny?

In this day and age, knowing how to find a good nanny is both essential and challenging. In fact, hiring the ideal nanny feels impossible for most parents. The thought of hiring someone who screams at your children when you’re not around is frightful, isn’t it? So how do you distinguish a good nanny from a bad one? In general, employing a good nanny starts with a thorough screening process.

Search For A Nanny Yourself

If you don’t want to use the services of a nanny agency, you could search for a nanny on your own, but how do you find a good nanny by yourself? is the best place to start, with literally thousands of nannies searching every month for suitable positions. You could also choose to post an ad in your local paper or in a magazines like The Lady and ask applicants to submit their applications in writing. This ensures that you will only be screening eager and committed candidates.

Churches, the local preschool, and your neighbourhood can also be great resources of trustworthy nannies. You could also ask your family and friends for referrals. You may find that you can trust their recommendations better than anyone else.

Contact a Nanny Agency

One advantage of contacting a nanny agency is that the agency will readily provide you with pre-screened applicants. All you have to do is simply discuss your nanny job description and specific requirements. These agencies will take care of all the initial formalities to help you find a good nanny, safely and efficiently.

A nanny agency service will usually perform background checks along with checking police records for any history of criminal offenses. In the UK, the Criminal Records Bureau provides more extensive access to criminal record information through its Disclosing and Barring service. While you can often rely on a friend’s recommendation, contacting a nanny agency is probably the safest way to find a good, reliable nanny.

Set Up Face to Face Interviews

Once you start receiving applications, immediately read the applications and start identifying potential candidates. Eliminate resumes that reveal negative distinctions about the person. Once you’ve done that you may want to schedule separate interviews with at least two to three candidates. Do not hesitate to ask as many questions as time allows. The interview will help you decide whether the applicant is likely to be a good nanny for your children.

Provide a Trial Run

A trial run gives you time to consider hiring the nanny for long-term employment. The trial period gives both of you the chance to become familiar with each other and decide whether you are a good fit. You will never uncover someone’s true identity until you live with them.  More than appraising chemistry, the trial period gives you the opportunity to assess the nanny’s character and level of expertise. If you are comfortable with the candidate, make sure to draft a work agreement before hiring them, and list the terms of your agreement in detail.

Now that you know how to go about finding a good nanny, you can productively focus on your work whilst having peace of mind knowing that you have a reliable nanny taking good care of your children back home.

Future Olympians!

Well, what an incredible buzz the Olympic Games brought with it! They claimed 22 golds, 21 silvers and 22 bronze medals in Japan.  With towns and cities across Great Britain welcoming back their hero’s, it’s no wonder that many of us heard a daily announcement from our little ones “I want to do that!”.

So, if you have a child who would like to be the next Laura Kenny, Sky Brown or Tom Daly how do you get started to help them on their way to being the next big thing?


Ok, it may sound cliche, but how do you expect a child to believe in itself if you don’t plant seeds of positivity? If they announce they want to learn a sport or event that they’ve seen on the Olympics, then there should be very little reason why they can’t. Make them feel like they can do anything they want, with the right attitude and commitment.

Don’t be a pushy parent

There is nothing worse for a child than feeling pressurised to do something they don’t really want to. Remember that this is their dream, not yours! There is no quicker way to put a child off something than to push them into it if they aren’t interested. Also, if they are not physically or emotionally ready to compete, then starting them too early can end up being frustrating for everyone, and can turn kids off from sports for good.

Local clubs

Ask around or search online for your local clubs that specialise in the area the child is interested in. You’re sure to find something in most towns and cities, and even if you have to travel a little way, it may all be worth it in the end.

Create balance

Ok, so we’ve all heard how many hours a day the best swimmers spend in the pool to become the best, and just how totally dedicated the lives of world class athletes are. When starting out though, children need to see the fun in the event, and not feel that it is simply a trial of endurance, or all consuming. They are not likely to become great at something that they don’t see as being fun and enjoyable, especially in the beginning, so make sure you help create balance, and not expect them to start dedicating their lives to their chosen sport or activity.

Nannyjob wishes you and your little one lots of fun and the best of luck in the shaping of the future Team GB! Keep us informed about how you get on at Facebook.