Career Breaks

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There are no laws that deal specifically with taking a career break – it is only an agreement between the employer and the employee.

Employers don’t have to offer career breaks. If they do, the policy must be clearly laid out (eg in a staff handbook) and should cover things like:

  • eligibility and notice periods
  • how to apply and how long is allowed
  • if the employment contract’s terms and conditions continue – eg qualifying for pay increases

Employees can make arrangements to return to work after a career break, but these agreements are not legally binding, and it could mean ending the existing contract of employment

Jury Service

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All employees must be allowed to take time off for jury service.

Employers can choose to pay staff for time taken off, but they do not have to.

The Court will pay the employee for the time spent on Jury service and employee will be given a statement of earnings notification which employee then gets employer to complete and then give to Court to claim for loss of earnings.

If employer chooses to pay employee whilst on Jury service, then it would be expected that the employee then repays the employer any payments from the Court that they receive for loss of earnings.

Alternatively, an employer can if they wish, but not obliged to do so, top up the employees earnings they receive from the Court.

Nannies and Mobile Phones

Our recommended partners at  provide payroll advice for parents and have created this content.

A lot of parents are becoming increasingly concerned regarding nannies and their use of mobile devices when they should be concentrating on their job, which of course is looking after the children in their care.

People generally, not just nannies, seem to spend a lot of their time on mobile devices whether texting friends or checking their social media apps.

Some parents are now putting a clause in the nanny contract limiting the amount of use a mobile phone or even supplying nanny with a work mobile phone and then nanny not permitted to use their personal mobile.

We would perhaps suggest erring on the side of caution as nanny may feel that if implemented you are not trusting them entirely.

Nanny and Sleepovers

Our recommended partners at  provide payroll advice for parents and have created this content.

If you are thinking of going away for the weekend, and have asked nanny to look after the children, should you pay her national minimum wage while she sleeps?

The court of appeal in July 2018 has stated you need to be awake for the purposes of working to qualify for national minimum wage.

This Judgement is likely to be appealed but as it stands the below will apply.

Once the nanny has been woken up, then national minimum applies.

If nanny is going to do sleep ins, it would be advised to agree a flat rate, and then in addition to that a rate for when nanny is awake.

Grandparents looking after grandchildren – help with state pension

Our recommended partners at  provide payroll advice for parents and have created this content.

Thousands of grandparents caring for their grandchildren over the summer holidays could be missing out on the chance to boost their future State Pension.

Many working-age grandmothers and fathers could qualify for Class 3 National Insurance credits for looking after children aged under 12 – which can be used to top up their income in retirement.

Half of Britain’s 7 million working-age grandparents have a grandchild under the age of 16.

Applications for NI credits for caring for children under 12 need to be made to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and must be signed by both the adult carer and the Child Benefit recipient. Applications need to be made after 31 October following the end of the tax year in which the caring took place.


Our recommended partners at provide payroll advice for
parents and have created this content.
If you pay nanny for mileage during work hours the mileage rate as per HMRC is 45p.
Anything above 45p is taxable and must go through the payroll. As an employer you must
keep records of mileage that you have paid out, you must only pay for miles traveled.
Simple putting £15 for expenses for general travelling is not acceptable and would mean it is
By paying 45p a mile or more for getting nanny to and from work is a taxable, and would
need to be declared to HMRC.
Benefits in kind would arise when you let nanny have private use of your car, this benefit
would then need to be declared to HMRC annually by means of a P11d.
We would advise you to keep receipts from nanny that you have reimbursed her, for day
trips with the children and any shopping she has done.

NI Categories

Our recommended partners at provide payroll advice for
parents and have created this content.
There are various categories for employment in the UK for national insurance deductions,
below are the categories denoted by a letter and what they represent
NI Categories for UK employment
A – All employees who do not fall into B, C, J, H, M and Z
B – Widows and married women entitled to pay reduced national insurance
C – Nanny’s over the state pensionable age so does not pay NI
J – Nanny’s who are already paying national insurance in their other job so can defer it
H – Apprentice under 25
M – Nanny under 21 Employer pays no NI
Z – Nanny’s who are already paying national insurance in their other job so can defer it and
are under 21 years of age
X – Nanny’s who are aged under 16

My Mood Stars

Nannyjob are always keen to discover great ideas to encourage child development and we are really impressed with these fantastic My Mood Stars. The idea was thought up by former Childminder Wendy Elizabeth White and in the early stages of development her keen needlework skills came in very handy!  Each yellow star filled with cotton depicts an emotion. There is sad, happy, angry, scared, shy, silly, surprised and sleepy.  We all know that the ability to express and control our emotions and to recognise them in others is an essential skill.  However, for some children trying to communicate feelings can be difficult and frustrating.

Self-confident children in touch with their feelings find it easier to flourish in social situations. Indeed personal, social and emotional development and communication are key aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage in the UK. Children who understand and can express and manage their own emotions, as well as those around them, are more likely to develop a positive sense of self and be assured and inquisitive learners and these Mood Stars are a great way to encourage conversation and expression with your little ones. For more information please visit.

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Early Years Education Training

It is critically important that those who are involved in bringing up children, whether it’s the parent, nanny, teacher or other family members, influence children’s character in a positive way. Supporting children with solving simple problems, for example, building a toy, doing a jigsaw or getting dressed, by not rushing them and showing that you trust their abilities is an excellent way to build their character. Remember good character is taught and caught! If you would like to learn more about this take a look at these great courses bought to you in partnership with Little Ones Training and Education.…/early-years-care-educa…  

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The Importance of Play in Early Years

Do you remember when you were young and the hours of fun that you had playing with a bowl of water, bubbles, pots and pans, a ball? Did you realise that you were learning?

Learning through play is one of the most important elements of a child’s development. Play encourages Language Skills, creativity, social skills, a sense of fun and the ability to enjoy time alone or as part of a group. Children often learn skills that they will use for the rest of their life and that will help them with the more academic learning they will have to undertake.

Here are some examples of how inexpensive and easily accessible playthings can help your young children learn: –

Anything physical like ball games, climbing in the park, running will all enhance and strengthen they body, help with co-ordination skills and encourage a lifelong enjoyment of keeping fit and healthy.

Board Games, Card Games, party games all help with learning to take turns, teamwork, ability to mix and socialise with others.

Building blocks, shape sorters and jigsaws help with fine motor skills, developing logic, recognising differing shapes and sizes and putting things into order, all brilliant skills when it comes to maths and science.

Singing, playing musical instruments and dancing all help with listening and hearing skills and help develop a sense of rhythm.

Play dough, drawing, painting, playing with dolls, dressing up, using empty boxes, sandpits, are great for imagination and creativity. For slightly older children writing basic stories alongside their pictures help with learning to express their feelings and language skills.

Playing with water is a great start to science and Maths, learning the difference between fluids and solids, measuring, different size containers.

What ever they do, it needs to be a fun and entertaining environment, not forced. Let children take the lead and do things their way. If the play area and equipment are safe there is no reason why they cannot find different and unusual ways of doing things and experiment. Remember children all develop at different rates and some children that can do a simple jigsaw may find it difficult to share and visa verse.

And finally, at the end of the day, when your little one is tired and exhausted from all that playing and using their imagination don’t forget to make reading time fun. Let them look at the pictures and tell the story they see.

Spending time playing either as a family or on their own need not be expensive or time consuming, a few minutes playing a card game, or kicking a football about can really help a child calm down, get them (and you) in a happy place and get on with the day. Never underestimate the benefits of having fun!