Common Childhood Illnesses: A Guide

As someone with young children in your care daily, it’s important to have a basic understanding of common childhood illnesses and how to treat them.

Here are 5 common illnesses, their symptoms and how to treat them:

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5 Autumn Activities for Toddlers

With Autumn on the way, we’ve found 5 great activities for you and your little one to enjoy as the leaves begin to fall!

With Autumn on the way, we’ve found 5 great activities for you and your little one to enjoy as the leaves begin to fall!

Continue reading “5 Autumn Activities for Toddlers”

What is Child-Led Play and Why is it So Important?

Child-led play is exactly what it sounds like; children choose what to play and the adults follow the child’s lead. The sole purpose of this type of play is to allow children to explore and discover independently whilst making their own choices and decisions about what to do.

We’ve put together some tips to help you encourage child-led play whilst also identifying learning opportunities:

Continue reading “What is Child-Led Play and Why is it So Important?”

Double Trouble – How To Cope With Twins And Multiples

Having one baby is hard work, we all know that. The thing is, unless you have a multiple birth (or children very close in age) you don’t realise just how tiring and relentless (although extremely rewarding!) looking after two or more tiny tots can be.

So, as always, we have a wealth of top tips to help if you have your own, or nanny for, twins or triplets:

Having one baby is hard work, we all know that. The thing is, unless you have a multiple birth (or children very close in age) you don’t realise just how tiring and relentless (although extremely rewarding!) looking after two or more tiny tots can be.

So, as always, we have a wealth of top tips to help if you have your own, or nanny for, twins or triplets:

  • Routine is king. This, of course, applies in theory to all babies. You’ll find it is much more necessary with twins. Make sure you put the babies down to sleep at the same time, and try to feed them at the same time (or one straight after the other). Even of one cries for food whilst the other is sleeping, in the first couple of months it can really help to wake the other one to feed as well.
  • Togetherness. If possible, keep your babies together, whether this is in the same cot or just in the same room. Twin babies are almost always comforted by knowing the other one is nearby, and having physical contact with each other. They’ve had nine months of sharing everything, so it would be a massive adjustment for them to then spend a lot of time, or sleep, without the other.
  • Support system. It’s important to get as much help as you can as a parent of twins. If your partner has returned to work and you find yourself alone and incredibly stressed, pull in your support network. Ask relatives and friends or regular baby-sitters to provide relief, if you haven’ got a nanny. Remember that it will be easier for anyone to help you if you suggest specific tasks, such as feeding or bathing one of the babies, taking them out for a stroll, shopping, cleaning the kitchen, or preparing a meal.
  • Get some ‘me’ time. It’s important to have a little bit of time each day, if possible, to relax. Even if it’s a 20 minute bath when your partner gets home from work, or half an hour of reading before you go to sleep. It’s a fact that stress and anxiety are more common in parents of twins, so making sure you grab a few golden moments of time for yourself is key.

For more help and information on twins and multiple births visit Twins Trust | Twins Trust – We support twins, triplets and more…

Perfect Summer Holiday Activities for Children

British summertime is often unpredictable when it comes to the weather. It’s not unheard of to experience rain, sun, wind and even snow all in the same day. That’s why we’ve put together our top summer holiday activities for kids that you can do, no matter the weather.

British summertime is often unpredictable when it comes to the weather. It’s not unheard of to experience rain, sun, wind and even snow all in the same day. That’s why we’ve put together our top summer holiday activities for kids that you can do, no matter the weather.

Continue reading “Perfect Summer Holiday Activities for Children”

Flying With Small Children: An In-Flight Survival Guide

A recent short trip abroad is all it takes to remind me of how difficult it can be travelling with little ones! The last thing any family or nanny wants is to have attention drawn to a restless toddler or crying baby, but as we all know we’re generally on a knife’s edge between a calm flight and a stressful one with small children.

A recent short trip abroad is all it takes to remind me of how difficult it can be travelling with little ones! The last thing any family or nanny wants is to have attention drawn to a restless toddler or crying baby, but as we all know we’re generally on a knife’s edge between a calm flight and a stressful one with small children.

If you’re a nanny and have to travel with babies or young children in your care, we have put together a survival guide to ensure that you don’t become the person in charge of ‘that annoying child on the row in front’, and possibly even have an enjoyable flight!

  • Prepare beforehand – when the flights are booked, if possible make sure that you request the front row of seats, so that you have more leg room. The child has more room to move around on the flight, and will not be annoying anyone in front by pulling on the backs of seats.
  • Nap time – if you have a child in your care who is good at taking regular naps, try to ensure that flights are booked and taken at nap times, so that the child is more likely to want to sleep on board.
  • Choose toys wisely – in other words, use your common sense on this one and don’t take large toys that will take up too much room, or small toys with lots of fiddly bits that will end up getting lost. A few simple toys which pack lightly and tightly are best, and a small comfort blanket instead of large items.
  • Concentration spans – a very helpful Nannyjob Facebook fan informed us that children have 1 minute of concentration per year of their age, so if the 3 year old in your care is finding the window shutter more interesting than her Barbie after 5 minutes, don’t expect her to be any different, and go with her concentration, don’t force it.
  • Be self sufficient – prepare yourself before the flight so that you aren’t going to be relying on airline staff to help you entertain or calm the children. They are busy enough and it isn’t in their remit, so don’t get stressed if the cabin crew overlook your crying toddler whilst serving your in flight meal – they just have a job to do.
  • Travel light – we’ve all seen those families who seem to be carting everything and the kitchen sink on board, and are more stressed before take off just from lifting and carrying than actually having little ones with them. Only take essentials for both you and the children, and to make these essentials light ones!
  • Distraction works! – Let’s face it – spending hours on end in one place is going to get a bit tedious for the most well behaved little one, so remember that for those hours it really is down to you to become the key source of distraction! If you sense a toddler becoming irritable and bored, get your creative hat on, become the circus, and think of a totally new thing to sing, play or do! You’ll be amazed what new games come out of a flight!
  • Don’t apologise – children cry, children get frustrated and bored – it is not your fault, it’s what happens! If you see that smug couple with no children on the row behind tutting at this, then totally ignore them and stay strong.
  • Be aware of ear pressure – This can be a really big deal. As someone who has suffered from ear pressure pain on flights since childhood, I totally empathise with the crying children I hear on flights when coming in to land. The only thing that works for me is a certain well known brand of sinus pressure pain and nasal congestion relief, which literally wipes the pain and pressure away like magic, and has started doing it’s own range of children’s products.

Do you agree with our ideas? Why not share your experiences on our Facebook wall?

Get Craft Happy For The Jubilee!

Let’s face it, even the least patriotic of us will be finding it hard at the moment to escape the media frenzy around the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June, and for those who do love a bit of classic English patriotism, why not get involved in your own creative way?! If you have toddlers or older children in your care, this is the perfect excuse to get their creative juices flowing, whilst teaching them a little bit about our monarchy at the same time!

Let’s face it, even the least patriotic of us will be finding it hard at the moment to escape the media frenzy around the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June, and for those who do love a bit of classic English patriotism, why not get involved in your own creative way?! If you have toddlers or older children in your care, this is the perfect excuse to get their creative juices flowing, whilst teaching them a little bit about our monarchy at the same time!

So, I hear you ask, what kind of things can we make?! Here are a few of our best ideas to keep children happy and creative in time Jubilee celebrations:

Make Bunting:

You will need:

  • A length on string as long as you want your bunting to be
  • Coloured sheets of card in red, white and blue
  • A pencil
  • Sellotape
  • Scissors

This is a basic way of making bunting, so that little children can be involved as there is no material to stitch. Simply make a triangular template and get the children to draw around it onto the coloured card. Cut out the drawings and get the children to put them in order – red, white, blue, red, white, blue and so on. Fold about a centimetre of the top of the triangles over the string, and attach down on one side with a piece of Sellotape. Do this all the way along your string, and then attach the bunting either inside or outside the house! This is a fantastic exercise for fine motor skills, as well as recognising shapes and colours for children.

Make a Crown:

You will need:

  • A piece of cardboard around 4 inches wide, and long enough to go around the child’s head and overlap slightly
  • A strip of tin foil around 5 inches wide, and the same length as the cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Crayons, glitter, or stickers
  • Glue
  • Stapler

Glue the length of tin foil on top of the length of cardboard, matching the bottom edges up, so that there is an inch extra of foil at the top. Now, cut zig zags into the foil all the way along the top, giving a crown effect of lots of points going across the top. Now it’s time to really have some fun and decorate, using glue, glitter, crayons or stickers, let your little ones go to town on their individual crown decoration on top of the tin foil. When the decorations have dried, make a ring with the crown and staple each end together, to fit over the child’s head.

Union Jack cupcakes (makes 12):

What you need:

  • 4oz caster sugar
  • 4oz margarine
  • 4oz self raising flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 12 white cupcake cases

For the icing:

  • 1 packet white ready roll icing
  • Apricot jam
  • Blue and red food colouring pens


  • Line a cupcake tin with 12 cupcake cases and preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  • Cream together the sugar and margarine with an electric mixer. Gradually add the eggs, flour, vanilla essence and baking powder whilst mixing.
  • Half fill the cupcake cases and put into the oven for 20-25 minutes until golden and well risen. Take the cupcakes out of the oven and place onto a wire rack to cool.
  • Roll out the icing to around 3mm thickness, then use a circular cutter to cut out 12 circles.
  • Put some apricot jam into the microwave for 20 seconds to make it runny. Brush the cooled cupcakes with the jam, and then place the icing circles on top so that they stick. Draw a basic union jack with your blue and red pens on to the icing on each cupcake.

You now have some really Royal treats!

Adding to the ideas we’ve given, why not try making some red, white and blue pompoms, or get some plain white serviettes and get the children to colour some red and blue onto them, or even onto a plain white paper tablecloth. There are hours of fun to be had, all in the name of Queen and country – have fun!

Get Your Perfect Nanny Job – CV and Interview Techniques

How Should I Prepare My CV?

It’s important to give your CV some thought and spend some time on getting it right. A well presented CV which clearly details your skills and experience can make all the difference in getting the job you really want.

How Should I Structure My CV?

Your CV should be no more than 2 pages in length and include the following sections.

  • Personal Details
  • Employment History
  • Education and Qualifications
  • Key Skills/Strengths
  • Referees/References on Request


  • Make sure your CV is well laid out so that it is immediately easy to read and understand.
  • Use a standard font size, which is easy to read, such as Arial 10.
  • Keep it simple.

What Should I Put In My CV?

  • Focus on information which is relevant to your own career goals.
  • Use concise, unambiguous sentences, avoid exaggerations and a flowery writing style.
  • Do not make false claims; honesty is always the best policy.
  • Bullet points are useful to highlight relevant skills and experience and help break up continuous text.
  • Stress your past accomplishments and the skills you used to get the results you achieved.
  • Put your highest level of education first.
  • Put your most recent job first and work backward chronologically in time.
  • Ensure all dates are accurate and include months as well as years.
  • If you are making a career change, stress what skills are transferable to support your new career objectives.
  • Explain any long career gaps (i.e. travelling, maternity leave etc.) these will only need to be explained to our clients.
  • Keep to the same tense.
  • Customise your CV for specific vacancies by focusing on previous experience or skills that are relevant to the role.
  • Most importantly, always thoroughly proof-read your CV or ask someone to do it for you.

Think about yourself

It is important before a job interview to think about all the reasons why you are attending it and what you have to offer. Be ready to discuss both short and long term career goals in general terms.

What If I Have A Gap?

You will need to explain gaps in employment. If you worked in a temporary capacity but didn’t put it on your CV, know the details of where you worked, what you did, and the length of the assignments. If you did not work but did search for a job give some examples of the research you did regarding job opportunities and the process you went through to find the position.

Reasons for leaving

Prepare to discuss the reasons you left your previous jobs. If it was for a better opportunity, explain why it was better. If you left involuntarily, present the reason in the most positive light you can. Make sure your responses are honest and be positive.

Some points to consider

You must try to consider how you can display your skills and experience in a good and honest light and provide employers with the evidence that you are the right person for the job. Here are some brief points to consider:

  • Are you a self-starter, able to work without constant supervision?
  • Can you be depended upon in critical situations and follow work through to completion?
  • Are you enthusiastic and easy to work with?
  • Can you work under pressure?
  • Recruiters need to know what drives you to want the job and why you want to work for them in particular.
  • Can you manage your time effectively?
  • How do you structure your day’s work?
  • How did you handle sudden unplanned work or a crisis?
  • Can you handle constructive criticism in a productive manner?
  • Are you objective in evaluating yourself and others?
  • Can you work well with a variety of people?

Points to consider throughout the interview

  • Aim for clarity and honesty. Give honest answers with a positive tone.
  • Concentrate on the employer’s needs, not yours.
  • Emphasise how you can help the interviewer achieve their goals.
  • Describe your past responsibilities and accomplishments.
  • Explain why you approached projects in certain ways.
  • Explain how the skills you bring will benefit the interviewer.
  • Don’t downplay your accomplishments or attribute them to luck.
  • Be specific in your answers. Avoid rambling or going off on a tangent.
  • Ask for clarification if you are unsure of the question.
  • Take responsibility for communicating your strengths. Don’t rely on the interviewer to pull it out of you.
  • Explain your past successes, the more you can clearly describe the experience, the people involved, the challenge and the solutions, the more you’ll stand out in the interviewer’s mind.

If you have any questions or comments about this article, please share them at our Facebook page.. thanks!

Special Needs Nannying – Helpful Hints

During a full and rewarding career as a nanny, situations will inevitably arise that provide a real challenge to you, and as we all know, from day to day the job is always varied and can be very interesting!

One situation you may find yourself in is becoming a nanny for a child who has special needs or learning difficulties. This can be one of the most rewarding challenges you can face in your career, and making a difference to a child in this situation is something you’ll take with you, and ultimately give you job satisfaction.

During a full and rewarding career as a nanny, situations will inevitably arise that provide a real challenge to you, and as we all know, from day to day the job is always varied and can be very interesting!

One situation you may find yourself in is becoming a nanny for a child who has special needs or learning difficulties. This can be one of the most rewarding challenges you can face in your career, and making a difference to a child in this situation is something you’ll take with you, and ultimately give you job satisfaction.

Of course, each child is different in any situation, and special needs vary in severity, but here we have compiled some general helpful pointers:

  • Clarity from parents Before you start, you’ll need to know as much as possible about the child, his current care plan, what makes him tick and what his limitations and frustrations are. The parents should provide this information before you start, but you’d be amazed at how many parents let you find things out for yourself. Ask for a comprehensive written care plan from them, and if you feel it necessary ask for time to chat to them every so often about how the care is going.
  • Network If the needs of the child have already been picked up on and you are going into this role with knowledge that the child has special needs, It is very likely that you will be working alongside other professionals; speech, physio, and occupational therapists, teachers etc. It will make your life easier if you have contact with these professionals, so that you’re in the know about what care is already taking place, and they may be able to shed some light on anything particular to the child that will help your role.
  • Build up trust Again, managing this all depends on the severity of the child’s needs, but (as with all children you nanny for) building up trust is vital if you are going to make it a long term, happy arrangement. Many children with special needs will need more time than usual to get a trusting relationship built up, and their frustrations can show before this happens, however over time you’ll hopefully find that you strike up a really good bond between you both, which will lead to a really satisfying role for you in the child’s life.
  • Encourage capabilities One of the best ways of helping a child with special needs, is to make them feel capable. Getting a heads up from parents on capabilities and limitations is important, but as time goes on you will realise for yourself what these are. Providing developmentally appropriate activities that will help the child feel capable, whilst avoiding activities that can be done only a certain way is the best way to go about this.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is to not get phased, and to remember what you’re there for! No doubt you’re already a fairly experienced nanny, meaning you know a bit about how to get the best out of a child in your care, and have a proven track record in doing this. Don’t lose sight of this role, and don’t be phased by this new situation. A good nanny will be aware of a child with special needs’ limitations, but also help them reach their full potential. First and foremost the child you are looking after is a child. It is secondary that they have additional needs.

Be sure to let us know if you have any experience or feedback on this issue, via our Facebook page..

Private to State: Making The Move When Private Education Is No Longer An Option

Let’s face it, if you have a child in private education and money has become tight, the last thing you want to have to consider is moving them into a state school. Unless the child is happier doing this, most of us would consider altering our finances in all other areas before we have to consider this one. But with the middle classes being the hardest hit by the covid and Brexit, more parents than ever are now having to make this change.

 If you’ve found yourself in this situation, it’s really important not to see it as the end of your child’s future, it may even be a good thing, there are some amazing state schools and the old argument that as she  private education is the only ticket to Oxbridge and a wonderful career is no longer true.

Here are our tips for dealing with this kind of change:


If you’ve made the decision, stick to it, and wholeheartedly commit to it. There are so many positives to state education. Cast your mind across all the successful and happy people you know – chances are many of them had a state education. Once you’ve made the decision, be upfront and positive with your children, friends and family.


This is NOT something to be ashamed of – and for goodness sake don’t let your children think it is. If they sense that you feel this way then they will feel bad too, so make it into an exciting adventure for them as much as you can – something new where they will meet lots of new friends.

Apply the savings

Work out what you’ll be saving on school fees, and mentally dedicate the money to an area where it needs to be. In doing this, you’ll realise that paying for the necessary things will have just as much benefit to your child. It may be paying for household bills, running two cars, or being able to have holidays. Don’t lose sight of how these things benefit the family, and explain to the child that this money is going to help them just as much in different ways.

Getting it right

If proximity to the school is a factor in whether or not your child gets a place there, check out how long the waiting list is. It may be that you have to wait a couple more terms before they can start, however, if you appear to be an involved parent who will play a part in fundraising for the school then the chances are that the head teacher will push you up the list.


Your child will no doubt make friends very quickly in a new situation, but if it’s at all possible it’s a good idea to find out if you know anyone who has a child at the new school, even better of the same age / in the same class. You’ll feel happier, and your child won’t be walking in cold.


This may seem obvious, but if you realise you need to make this move, it’s not always at a convenient time (I.e the end of one term ready to start the next). It’s always better for a child to start a new school at the start of a new school year, or a new term if that’s not possible. Try, if you can, to plan it around this.

Let us know your thoughts on this blog post on our Facebook page….