Tips to Help Toddlers Sleep Through the Night

Are you struggling with a toddler who won’t sleep through the night? Sleeping can be hard for parents, and live-in nannies too, if you have a toddler who keeps waking up in the middle of the night.

If it occurs regularly, this pattern can leave everyone feeling drained and unhappy. That’s why we’ve put together some advice to help you, help your toddler sleep through the night, every night.

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What Should You Watch Out for in Nanny Job Listings?


When looking for your next nanny job, it’s important to thoroughly read through the nanny job listing and to be on the lookout for any warning signs that could spell trouble in the future.

The first step is to remember that not everyone knows exactly what a nanny is or what duties fall under the job title. First-time parents, especially can be slightly confused about what they can and can’t ask a nanny to do and so it’s important that you take the time to read through each listing and note down any questions that need clarifying by the employer during the interview or before-hand over the phone.

Top Tip: If possible, try to contact the employer over the phone as this will give you a better feel for who they are and what they want than communicating via email. It’s also a great way to make yourself stand out from the competition as they’ll be able to start getting to know you before you even set foot in the interview.

To help you identify the good listings from the bad, we’ve made a list of the most important red-flags that you should lookout for in a nanny job listing and interview.

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Top Tips for Hosting Your First Playdate as a Nanny

Playdates are a great way to encourage your nanny children to socialise, whilst also providing a reprieve away from your regular daily schedule.

However, whilst beneficial, playdates can also be hard-work which is why we’ve put together our top tips to make your first playdate as a nanny run smoothly:

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Useful Lessons Parents Can Learn from a Nanny

Most nannies have many years more experience in childcare than their employers, which means that alongside looking after the children in their care, parents are often able to learn childcare tips and practices from nannies that can help with looking after their own children.

We’ve put together a list of some of the most valuable lessons that parents can learn from their nannies:

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How to Deal with Sibling Rivalry

Even if they get along 90% of the time, there will always be moments when siblings don’t see eye to eye. Personalities can clash and arguments can begin over a variety of things from who has the most attention, playing with certain toys, playing with friends, and even the clothes they’re wearing.

The truth of the matter is that sibling rivalry is, and always will be common place, which is why we’ve put together some top tips to help you keep things running smoothly.

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How to Be a Good Role Model for Your Nanny Children – Part Two

Last week, we began discussing the importance of being a positive role model for the children in your life and gave you 5 tips to help you on your way to being a better role model for your nanny children. If you missed last week’s posts How to Be a Good Role Model for Your Nanny Children – Part One, be sure to check it out.

Since this is such an important topic and we couldn’t fit everything into just one post, we decided to carry it over to this week to give you another 5 tips:

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How to Be a Good Role Model for Your Nanny Children – Part One

Children, no matter their age, need as many positive role models in their life as possible, which makes your job as their nanny even more important.

Children, particularly young children, can often be found mimicking the behaviours of those around them, especially those that they see and interact with on a regular basis. This can be as simple as mimicking your actions, to copying your eating habits. That’s why we’ve put together our tips on how to be a good role model and set the right example for your nanny children.

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Nannies – Knowing When to Take a Sick Day

Nannies, much like parents, are only human when it comes to things like the common cold or flu and whilst you may be worried about leaving your employer without childcare, it’s important that you let them know if you’re too sick to work. Better that, than have the whole family come down with the same illness.

However, if you only have a slight headache or something minor that allows you to function normally, it’s always best to head into work as usual. This way, you’ll show your employer that you have a great work ethic and they’ll come to know that you’re responsible and reliable.

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Should you ask your nanny to get vaccinated?

The subject of vaccinations is a tricky one, with everyone having their own opinion on whether or not they wish to vaccinate their children.

However, in recent years it’s become common for employers to require that a nanny or other childcare provider has received their vaccinations. In particular, vaccinations for the flu, measles and whooping cough.

The reason for this is that even healthy people can contract any of these three illnesses, all of which are contagious and all of which can cause severe complications in young children.

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Why Nannies Should Include Volunteer Work on Their Resume

When applying for your first job as a nanny, whether you’re a student, a graduate or if you’re moving from another field of work, it’s guaranteed that you won’t be the only one submitting an application.

What makes you stand out from the hundreds of other nanny applicants trying to get the same position?

We’ve put together this quick article to show you how volunteering can help you stand out from the crowd.

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