New Look Nanny Job Website!

By now, you’ve probably noticed that the Nanny Job website has a whole new look!

We hope you like the new design and find the site easier to navigate than before.

To get started on our homepage, just choose from one of the 3 options; Childcarer, Parent or Agency.

Then use our free and simple search tool to filter the search results to meet your requirements and find your perfect match!

You can also find a range of other useful information, including the Nanny Job blog which will also be updated soon, by clicking Info in the navigation menu.

If you have any feedback, let us know!

What’s in Your Nanny Bag?

As a nanny, you need to be prepared for any situation, especially if you have young children. Even the simplest thing can save the day, or ruin it.

That’s why we’ve put together our list of essential items for your nanny bag:

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How You Can Help Prevent Internet Addiction

Technology and the internet are all around us. For most people, smartphones, tablets and computers are an integral part of life be it for work, pleasure, or both and it’s understandable that children will pick up on that and want to be involved.

Many young children have access to tablets, smartphones or computers and enjoy using them to discover and learn new things. But, when does this access to technology become dangerous for children, and at what point does it turn into something potentially damaging like internet addiction?

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How Nannies Can Help Teach Children About Nutrition

It’s never too early to begin teaching children about nutrition and healthy eating. Parents are typically the ones to begin establishing healthy eating habits for the whole family but whilst parents are at work, it’s nanny who can help to build upon this foundation and encourage children to continue eating healthily.

It’s normal for everyone, children included, to develop the occasional craving for something sweet, junk food and fast food. Think about it, how many times have you taken your child for a happy meal because it’s cheap and easy?

There’s nothing wrong with it, in moderation. But it’s also important to teach children how to moderate their cravings and why they should.

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How to Keep Your Kids Safe in the Sun

With the school summer holidays almost upon us, it’s the time of year where most children are desperate to play outside in the sun. It’s also the time of year where parents and nannies need to pay extra care and attention in order to prevent things like:

  • Sun-stroke
  • Sunburn
  • Water accidents
  • Insect bites/stings

To help put your mind at ease and to give your children a fun and safe summer, we’ve put together this guide to help you keep your kids safe in the sun.

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Tips for Nannies: How to Bond with a New Baby

Building a bond with a new baby in your nanny family might sound easy enough. What’s not to love after all? From a sweet coo to their first smile, you’ll be smitten in no time. But, when there are older children around, it can sometimes be difficult to create a lasting bond that will have a nurturing effect on both you as the nanny and the new baby.

That’s why we’ve put together our top tips to help you!

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How To Keep Your Nanny Long-Term

Do you dream of finding a nanny who will stay with your family for years to come, helping to raise all of your children?

We’ve put together our top tips to help you encourage your nanny to stay with your family long-term.

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Tips to Help Toddlers Sleep Through the Night

Are you struggling with a toddler who won’t sleep through the night? Sleeping can be hard for parents, and live-in nannies too, if you have a toddler who keeps waking up in the middle of the night.

If it occurs regularly, this pattern can leave everyone feeling drained and unhappy. That’s why we’ve put together some advice to help you, help your toddler sleep through the night, every night.

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What Should You Watch Out for in Nanny Job Listings?


When looking for your next nanny job, it’s important to thoroughly read through the nanny job listing and to be on the lookout for any warning signs that could spell trouble in the future.

The first step is to remember that not everyone knows exactly what a nanny is or what duties fall under the job title. First-time parents, especially can be slightly confused about what they can and can’t ask a nanny to do and so it’s important that you take the time to read through each listing and note down any questions that need clarifying by the employer during the interview or before-hand over the phone.

Top Tip: If possible, try to contact the employer over the phone as this will give you a better feel for who they are and what they want than communicating via email. It’s also a great way to make yourself stand out from the competition as they’ll be able to start getting to know you before you even set foot in the interview.

To help you identify the good listings from the bad, we’ve made a list of the most important red-flags that you should lookout for in a nanny job listing and interview.

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Top Tips for Hosting Your First Playdate as a Nanny

Playdates are a great way to encourage your nanny children to socialise, whilst also providing a reprieve away from your regular daily schedule.

However, whilst beneficial, playdates can also be hard-work which is why we’ve put together our top tips to make your first playdate as a nanny run smoothly:

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