Targeting Tantrums

Supernanny Jo Frost used to make it look easy, and nannies usually know that the  ‘naughty step’ and ‘time out’ techniques can be sanity savers in dealing with the most frustrated or badly behaved of toddlers, but nobody wants to actually let it get to that stage. So, how do we go about avoiding tantrum situations altogether?

If a child is prone to tantrums, making sure that frustration is kept within the limits of a child’s tolerance can be tough, but it is possible. Of course avoiding tantrums depends on each individual child, so there are no quick fixes that work for all.

Some of the the best ways to avoid toddler tantrums:

  • Give Leeway. Don’t back the child into a corner when you see them getting upset or angry about something. Instead of insisting on absolute “do’s” or “dont’s”, leave a bit of an escape route for them, and coax them to meet you half way if they really don’t want to do something.
  • Explain. Understand that tantrums often occur when a child simply doesn’t understand something, and their frustration grows as they try to get it. Try to explain things thoroughly before a situation is entered into which you think might cause this to happen. The child will feel calmer and more prepared, and less anxious about not fully understanding a situation or task.
  • Expression. One of the reasons toddlers have tantrums is because they are beginning to learn how to grasp speech and language. They often understand much more than they can express, which is fuel to the fire of a tantrum. Calmly listening and picking up on what you feel the child is trying to express will help the toddler feel less frustrated.
  • Enough food and sleep! It may sound like a no-brainier, but think about how you feel if you had a poor nights sleep and are hungry. It isn’t pleasant for anyone, let alone a toddler who doesn’t understand that this is the case. Make sure the child has had enough of both, and they will be far less likely to get frustrated over the small things with a clear head and a full belly.
  • Avoid negative attention. When a toddler has a tantrum and gets a reaction, this may actually be satisfying their need for attention in general, and in turn make them more likely to have tantrums. To avoid this behaviour, try to pick up on the good things that the toddler does and reward them with positive attention, even if it seems small, it will make a difference. This will make them less likely to need the negative kind, and less likely to demand it with tantrums.
  • Choose the right tasks – make sure you’re not trying to push the child to advance before they are able to. Offer age-appropriate tasks and games, so that you are more likely to have a situation where you praise them for doing something right. Once a more simple task has been completed and the child feels good, only then move on to slightly trickier things.
  • Set the stage – make sure you set boundaries to try toavoid tantrum situations. If you know you don’t want the child to have a certain item, make sure it’s hidden and out of sight to avoid the battle even starting. Of course this is not always possible when a child decides they want something that they can see when you’re out of the house!
  • Give control – work out what little things you think the child can handle being in control of. If they feel in control of some things, they are less likely to throw a tantrum about something they are not in control of. If a tantrum does arise, give them a subtle reminder of what they can control, to distract them from what they can’t.
Stick to these tactics and you might just save yourself some difficult situations dealing with tantrums! Do you agree with our ideas? Have you got any tactics that work to avoid tantrums? If so why don’t you add a comment or post them on our Facebook page…

Extra-curricular Activities – How Much Is Too Much?

There now seems to be an after school or weekend club for anything you can think of, from foreign languages for kids as young as 3 years old, to learning how to fathom out the latest dance routines or synchronised swimming moves seen on TV talent shows. Gone are the days when kids would be happy just attending Cubs or Brownies one night a week, and maybe an hour of football or dancing on a Saturday. Parents and nannies are now literally shuttling from group to club almost every evening. With a world full of new concepts, and more and more parents quietly competing for their child to be the best at everything, it brings about the question – just how much extra learning and activity is good for a child, and how can we make sure they don’t get overwhelmed?

 Of course, if your child seems to be happy with their activities, and is keeping up with their homework, then there may not be any need to think that they are being over-extended. The learning curves which come from such activities can be really valuable, and kids attending these groups are far less likely to spend hours on computer games or in front of the TV. Extra curricular activities can promote:

  • initiative
  • team work
  • self esteem and confidence
  • a sense of belonging
  • fair play with others
  • a boost in academic achievement

Of course, striking the right balance is key, and making sure that your kids are enjoying themselves, also having enough ‘down time’ where they can just chill out at home, and are eating and sleeping properly, and that the groups they attend are through their choice and not yours, are all really important.

Tips to make sure your child doesn’t get overwhelmed by extra curricular activity:

  • Clear boundaries – when the new term comes, set boundaries on the amount of activities that your child is allowed to participate in, and stick to them!
  • Family matters – realise the importance of family time, and never let this take a backseat to extra curricular activities. You want your child to have great, memorable family experiences, even if it means missing their club once in a while.
  • School comes first – ensure that your child understands that school takes priority over activities – even most of the best athletes and musicians had to take their GCSEs! Unless your child is training to be a professional, and as such is being educated outside of school, never let them miss school to do their activities.
  • Homework – make sure you factor in set times for your child to do homework, or encourage them to plan and manage their own time to do this.
  • Communicate – is your child really happy with all of the groups he or she attends? You never know, he could be attending one or more of them because he thinks you want him to. It’s key that these groups are enjoyed – otherwise what is the point?
  • It’s for them, not you! Did you want to be a professional ballerina or actor as a child, and never felt you had the chance?! Don’t let this be a reason for you to push your child into a certain activity. Remember that not all kids are cut out for all activities, so make sure your child is doing something because they actually want to, and if they tell you they don’t like it, listen to them!

So if you stick to the above, you never know – you might have the next David Beckham or Jessica Ennis on your hands, without the petrol bills of carting him or her to every single group under the sun in the mean time!

Do you agree that our kids may be in danger of activity overload? Or is the opposite true?! Tell us your thoughts by leaving a comment on the blog or on our Facebook page….

Top Tips from Nannies

When you have a child, no one teaches you how to parent, you might be lucky and have family and friends with children or you may have read books on parenting tips, but it can still be a minefield of trial and error! One of the great things if you employ a nanny is that they have years of practice and are experts in childcare. They have tried and tested methods to help establish positive behaviour, excellent manners, and good routines.

When you have a child, no one teaches you how to parent, you might be lucky and have family and friends with children or you may have read books on parenting tips, but it can still be a minefield of trial and error! One of the great things if you employ a nanny is that they have years of practice and are experts in childcare. They have tried and tested methods to help establish positive behaviour, excellent manners, and good routines.

We asked some of our nannies what their top tips were to help parents from those early years:

It’s okay to let your baby cry.

If you are a first-time parent you can feel anxious and unsure when your baby cries. Particularly in the early days when you aren’t sure why they are crying, and you are tired and feeling out of your depth. But a crying baby is normal, they are also feeling anxious and unsure, and a lot of the time just want to be held close and feel safe. Nannies recommend you trust your instinct, if you feel they need feeding, changing, cuddling, or rocking to sleep go with it, you will soon learn, it just takes a little while.

You Don’t Need to Buy All of the Baby Products

You’ve just found out you are expecting, you are excited and the first thing you want to do is rush out and buy every baby product you can from Activity mats to Cuddly Zebras! All and hug expense and often just left to be forgotten in a cupboard somewhere. Stick to the basics, if you have friends or family who have had children see what they might be getting rid of and ask them what their must have item was and what was a waste of money. In the first few months your baby really will sleep and feed, so they don’t need much!

What happens when it comes to weaning?

When your baby is ready to wean you need to give them a varied, healthy diet. Just because they don’t like bananas on the first try doesn’t mean they won’t like it on the second or third try. As their taste buds develop and change they will almost certainly learn to love foods they initially rejected.

When you have been out at work all day and you and your child are tired, mealtimes can become a bit of a battle ground and are often rushed to get bath and bedtimes out of the way. However, this doesn’t give a healthy message around food and it’s important that children learn to sit the table and enjoy their meal and allow them time to relax and digest it before they must get on with the next activity. Think about when you most enjoy food, it almost certainly is when you are relaxed and able to really think about what you are eating and not when you are rushing about and eating on the go.


Routines don’t need to be regimented and should have some flexibility in them. Children need some guidance and structure to their day as it provides security and a good foundation for them to build on, but it doesn’t need to be so strict that there isn’t room for fun, or changes to help an exhausted parent or child feel life is a drag!

Talk and Listen to each other

This applies to parents as well as children. As we have said before, life can be busy and them seems little time to sit and chat or really listen to what the other person is saying. How often are you multi-tasking as your child tells you about their day or an issue they are having? You might miss something important that they are saying. Find time to sit down and really talk to them and if you find yourself have a shouting match with your child or partner, stop, take time out and then return to the conversation when you are both calm and can have a constructive conversation.

Don’t jump through hoops to make you child happy.

Parental Guilt is rife, many parents work long hours to pay the bills and keep a roof over their family’s head and they feel guilty because they can’t always be there for their children so they shower them with gifts and agree to things (like getting a dog!) when it’s not really what they can afford or cope with. It’s important for children to learn early on that No means No and that throwing a tantrum and being rude will not get them any further. Establishing the difference between a child’s needs and a child’s wants is hugely important and will help teach your child the difference top. Also picking up after your child because it’s easier and quicker and saves an argument does not help them develop and grow. They need to learn to be independent and do things for themselves as they reach the appropriate stages/.

Parenting is tough, whether you are a staying at home parent or go out to work, it comes with its challenges. No two families are the same and what is important to one may be less important to another. Following your instincts, doing what works for your family and your household is the most important thing and trusting your ability as a parent and if all else fails ask the Nanny!

Is breastfeeding best for you?

It’s an age-old debate, and one that has caused many a stir amongst new mums regarding what they feel is best for baby. With so many Women being the main breadwinners now or needing to return to work more quickly for financial reasons is breast really the best way for everyone?

It’s an age-old debate, and one that has caused many a stir amongst new mums regarding what they feel is best for baby. With so many Women being the main breadwinners now or needing to return to work more quickly for financial reasons is breast really the best way for everyone?

Gone are the days when it was a given that all new mums would breast feed, with few alternatives being promoted at all. Babies were simply expected to ‘latch on’ with no problems (or none which were discussed openly by midwives or our own mums!). In reality, most of us know that this does not always run as swimmingly as the way we plan it whilst pregnant. In fact, it can sometimes be a source of great pain both physically and emotionally to many mums who innocently expect a stress-free start to baby’s feeding.

Mums can also feel a fair amount of pressure from others to breastfeed, making this very personal choice a tricky one. Whether the breast or formula choice is made before or after baby arrives, it is certainly a decision that you need to feel happy with, in a time when emotions are heightened and doing ‘the right thing’ by baby is the only thing in mind. Here is our simple guide to the benefits and possible drawbacks of each:

Some benefits of breastfeeding:

  • Nutrition – Colostrum, which is the milk produced at the end of pregnancy and the early part of breastfeeding, is high in concentrated nutrition for newborns, and has a laxative effect on baby.
  • Protection in childhood – In addition to containing all the vitamins and nutrients your baby needs in the first six months of life, breast milk is packed with disease-fighting substances that protect your baby from illness.
  • Protection into adulthood – Breastfeeding’s protection against illness lasts beyond your baby’s breastfeeding stage. Antibodies in breast milk may give a baby’s immune system a boost, and can protect from childhood and adult illnesses, including diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
  • Bonding – A strong physical and emotional bond can be formed between mother and baby.
  • No cost – Breastfeeding is free, and available whenever baby needs a feed.
  • Good for mum – The NHS states that there are health benefits to mum as well, including up to 500 calories being used per day, and the risk of breast and ovarian cancer being reduced.

What they don’t always tell you about breastfeeding:

  • Pain – Breastfeeding can be physically painful for mums, lead to sore or even bleeding nipples.
  • Attaching – Many new mums find that baby doesn’t attach or ‘latch on’ as naturally as they’d expect, which can lead to a feeling of rejection or failure for mum. Patience and persistence are key.
  • Thrush – this can occur and pass between you and baby’s mouth. If nipples become sore or pink after breastfeeding without problems, this may be a sign of thrush.
  • Tongue-tie – Some babies are born with ‘tongue-tie’ where the skin between the underneath of the tongue and the bottom of the mouth is tight, making it difficult for baby to attach. If you experience any of the above and want to continue breastfeeding, don’t panic as help is at hand from GPs, health advisors and midwives.

In contrast, here are some benefits of formula feeding:

  • Nutrients – Commercially prepared infant formulas are still full of nutrients, and can even contain some vitamins & nutrients that breastfed babies need to get from supplements.
  • Convenience – Formula feeding is convenient, and feeding can be shared between both parents enabling mums to do other things, and dads to feel the bond that comes with feeding their baby.
  • Back to normal – ‘Normal’ life can resume more quickly, including returning to work, and taking birth control or other medication.
  • Sleeping – Baby may sleep for longer in between feeds, giving you more chance to sleep for longer too.
  • Quantities – You know exactly how much milk baby has had when formula-feeding.

What they don’t always tell you about formula feeding:

  • Getting it right – It’s easy to make the mixture too strong, weak or hot.
  • Illness – the NHS states that formula fed babies are more likely to get diarrhoea, chest, ear or urine infections.
  • Expense – it is estimated to cost at least £700 per year to formula feed.
  • Sterilising – there is a lot of work involved in thoroughly sterilising all the equipment required to formula-feed.
  • Mixing it up – if you decide to combine bottle feeding with breastfeeding, you should not introduce bottle feeding during the first six weeks of life, because the difference between nipples can confuse the baby, cause feeding problems, and it can interfere with the establishment of breastfeeding.

If you’re still not sure whether breast or formula feeding is best for you, speak to your midwife or health visitor for information and support, or call the National Breastfeeding helpline on 0300 100 0212.

Keeping A Good Nanny

Parents … how many of your friends with nannies seem to have had an enviously easy ride, with seemingly no problems and happy children, in what looks to you like a Mary Poppins style montage?! So, if your situation doesn’t always seem to run as smoothly as your lucky mates, are you doing something to make your nannies want to leave? Or are you just not choosing the ones with staying power in the first place? If you have ever wondered this, it may be time to stop and think about whether or not there is more you can do to keep your nanny happy, or to simply keep your nanny! Once you think you’ve found the right person, you want to make sure she or he will stick around. Here are our top tips on keeping good nannies:

– Respect

It may sound like a simple employer/employee dynamic, but respecting the person who you choose to look after your most important assets makes obvious sense, but doesn’t always come easily to some parents. Make sure you discuss any issues you may have immediately with your nanny, and make her feel like you value her opinion on your children (after all she will be getting to know them very well). Remember that even though you are the parent, your nanny is the expert in child care, so admit if you think she is right and you aren’t about something!

– Keep the green-eyed monster at bay!

It is only natural that you may feel some pangs of jealousy that your nanny is spending time with your children and seeing them do things whilst you’re at work. Good nannies are well aware of this and will do their best not to make you feel like you’re missing out. If you start to feel jealous that your child is enjoying his or her time with nanny, or even preferring spending time with them, remember that this is just a sign that your nanny is doing a very good job. Wouldn’t you rather have a happy child, even if it does mean swallowing that green-eyed monster feeling for the time being?!

– Trust

Much like respecting your nanny, she will do a better job and feel more comfortable if you trust her. Of course, this may take a little bit of time to build up naturally, but the sooner you can make her feel as though she is in charge and running her position, the sooner she will come into her own, resulting in your child feeling more at ease and happy with the nanny and the situation. On the flip side, if you really do think there is a trust issue then speak to her straight away to keep things as open, and honest, as possible.

– Keep it real!

Like any job, make sure you have a realistic job description for your nanny right from the off, so that you both know- and are happy with – what is realistic. It’s true that no two days are generally the same in child care, but this doesn’t give you an excuse to expect her to work longer hours than agreed in the beginning, or to do household jobs that were not clear at the start. This is one of the quickest ways of de-motivating any employee, so if there is anything that you think you’d like to add to your nanny’s duties, make sure you ask her thoughts first.

– Realistic pay rises

Again, just like any other position, a good nanny should expect to be rewarded appropriately financially, and you should consider annual pay rises as a part of this. The standard annual rise is around 5-10%, but if you are unsure, ask other families in your area what they offer. Of course, pay is just one part of the reward that a good nanny gets from her job, but it is likely she will know other nannies and if she isn’t getting a similar financial reward to her peers, a good nanny can move on very easily.

 The most important thing for you as a parent is to make sure your children have a happy and consistent care routine, and for this, holding on to a good nanny is key.

Have we missed anything? Leave a comment with your thoughts, or stop by our Facebook page to tell us what you think!


Nannies and Disabled Parents: It’s a Winning Combination

Parenting is one of the most challenging things you’ll ever do. Raising a baby through childhood isn’t easy, and it’s even harder for disabled parents. Especially those without a solid support system.

Disabled parents often have a harder time admitting when they need help. Every parent has days where they feel overwhelmed and in desperate need of respite, but disabled parents don’t always have the courage to stand up and ask for the help they need for fear of negativity from others like being seen as unfit to parent or unable to cope.

By welcoming a nanny into your family, you can gain the help you need without worrying about negativity – after all, it’s not like nannies are unheard of!

Here are our top reasons why a nanny is a perfect choice for disabled parents: Continue reading “Nannies and Disabled Parents: It’s a Winning Combination”

Can starting a blog be good for children?

It might seem like a strange question, especially with all the warnings about children and screen time that are constantly in the news, but can blogging actually be beneficial for children?

According to online safety charity WiredSafety, in 2017, there were over 6 million children around the world, regularly writing blogs and whilst there are a number of dangers revolving around children and the internet, there are also a number of benefits to blogging.

Continue reading “Can starting a blog be good for children?”

Talking tantrums

Parents and childcarers – nannies, childminders, aupairs or nursery staff – are almost all familiar with the tantrums, but there can be differences of opinion on how to deal with them.

As a childcarer it’s difficult to bring up a sensitive subject. Tantrums are an entirely normal phase of development, coming from a child’s desire to show their independence and assert themselves or an inability to communicate, and intellectually parents know that but no-one likes to hear that their child has been ‘misbehaving’.

Parents may not share details of the behaviours with childcarers, perhaps feeling that it’s a reflection on their parenting skills, or perceived lack thereof. Children do often save their worst behaviour for their parents but it is not a sign of weakness to make others aware of facts.

It’s important that neither party shies away from discussing the issue. The best way to deal with tantrums is a consistent approach from everyone involved. That way a child quickly learns what the limits are and that having a paddy isn’t an effective way of getting what they want. Communicating also allows parents and childcarers to share tips and tricks. Parents may know what frustrates their child and be adept at handling it so sharing that information with their child’s carer is vital to help prevent tantrums. Childcarers may be able to offer strategies that have worked with other children or reassure parents that their child is indeed learning to deal with frustration and that the tantrums will soon decrease.

Toddlers especially need to make sense of the world. It’s reassuring for them to have a set of consistent rules and boundaries, consistent positive attention for good behaviour and a consistent response to a tantrum. It’s especially important that everyone is on the same page when it comes to safety. Communicating about expectations and accommodating each other’s practices where possible makes the transition as easy as possible for children and avoids unnecessary tantrums.

Children also need autonomy. Some adults are inclined to say ‘no’ to anything out of the ordinary, even when it’s perfectly possible to accommodate a request, and others will bend over backwards to comply. Obviously in group childcare settings it’s more difficult to deal with individual whims, and it doesn’t do any good to spoil children by giving in to them all the time, but by working together parents and carers can agree what will or won’t be accommodated.

Finally, while it’s important to communicate between adults it’s also important not to let what happens when you aren’t there affect your relationship with a child. Sharing information should help you understand and deal with tantrums, but it needs to be done sensitively and with respect.

New Year Resolutions for Parents and Childcare Professionals

How many New Year’s resolutions have you seen or heard from your family, friends and co-workers so far? How many of those were about weight, smoking, drinking, or travel? How many of those were about parenting or childcare? I’m guessing the latter was a significantly smaller number than the former.

This New Year, wouldn’t it be nice for us to make a New Year’s resolution that will not only benefit ourselves but our children and the rest of our family? That’s why we’ve put together a list of areas that we can all try to improve upon in the New Year when it comes to caring for our children.

Continue reading “New Year Resolutions for Parents and Childcare Professionals”

3 Simple Projects for Children at Christmas

Christmas time is never short of inspiration for parents, nannies and childminders alike for creative projects for the children to undertake.  Here are three simple projects to get you all started, which can be easily adapted to all age groups from about 2 years onwards (although little ones will certainly enjoy joining in if you can handle the mess!).


Salt Dough Christmas Decorations

Making salt dough decorations is incredibly cheap, fun and creative.  It’s a great project for children of all ages, although children under the age of 2 might be more interested in eating the dough rather than creating Christmas decorations!


To make salt dough, all you need is:

  • ½ cup salt
  • ½ cup water
  • 1 cup flour


Simply combine the dry ingredients in a bowl, and then slowly add the water as you mix.  The dough should eventually form a soft, pliable ball.  You can add more flour or water if the dough is too sticky, or too dry.


Then, you can make your decorations! Use pastry cutters to make shapes, or knead the dough into shapes by hand (you can use a little olive oil to moisturise the dough if needs be).  To harden the finished shapes, lay them on greaseproof paper on a plate and pop them in the microwave for two or three minutes. If you don’t have access to a microwave, they will harden after a couple of days air drying or you can put them in a very low oven (you may need to cover them with foil to stop them from browning).


Once they are hard and dry, they can be decorated with whatever the children wish! Glitter glue, paint, sequins and even spray paint! Finish up with a coat of clear varnish if you want them to keep until next year.


Advent Challenge

At Christmas time, with all of the hype and excitement over presents, food and pretty lights, it can be easy to forget about the spirit of the festivities – the spirit of giving.  A simple, ongoing project for Christmas time that teaches children about the true meaning of Christmas is the Advent Challenge.  The concept is simple – every day, do something to put somebody else first.  This could mean sharing a special toy with a sibling, choosing an item of clothing to donate to a shelter or charity shop, or taking on an extra chore around the house to ease the load of a parent or sibling. Make sure the giving is on the child’s terms, or it negates the whole point of finding joy in helping others.

Make a Family Christmas Memory Book

A lovely project for children at Christmas is making a ‘memory book’ about their family celebrations.  All families celebrate a little differently, and each family has their own little traditions that make their Christmas unique.  The book could be in chronological story form, with each page detailing a different part of the day, or it could be a more random collection of the things the children love most about their own individual family Christmases.

3 Simple Projects for Children at Christmas