“A mother is like a flower, each one beautiful and unique.”
With Mother’s Day coming up on Sunday 19th March, we’ve put together some fun activity ideas for children of all ages to create something special.
- Card Making
This simple, fun activity is suitable for all ages. Simply cut and glue together some colourful card and paper, design a pretty cover and use the space inside to tell mum how much she means to you.
- Flower Crafts
This activity might be better suited to older children as you’ll need to twist and mould paper, pipe cleaners and any other pretty items to create a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
- Baking
Why not make mum something sweet this Mother’s Day? Bake her favourite cake, a batch of heart or flower shaped cookies or even try your hand at chocolate making. If you’re lucky, she might even share them with you.
- Colouring
This activity is perfect for younger children. Print off a nice colouring page and use only the prettiest colours to create the perfect Mother’s Day gift that can take pride of place on the fridge or hung on the wall.
- Letter/Poem/Short Story
Use your creative writing skills to write a loving letter to tell mum how much she means to you and to thank her for all that she does. You could even try writing a fun poem or short story about your favourite adventure or activity with mum.
- Coupon Making (exchange for hugs, kisses, cleaning bedroom etc)
Design some coupons that you can give to mum as an alternative Mother’s Day gift. The vouchers can be exchanged for anything such as hugs, kisses or five minutes’ peace…be creative and have fun.