Car safety in snow

With bad weather hitting Britain’s roads, here are some quick tips for staying safe in the snow

With bad weather hitting Britain’s roads, here are some quick tips for staying safe in the snow

  • Make sure you charge your phone before you set off and tell someone what time you expect to be at your destination
  • Never get in the car without a coat, but take it off while driving so you get the benefit when you’re outside
  • Have blankets, water and energy snacks in the boot just in case you break down
  • Take a bag of salt or sand in case you get stuck – it may get you past a tricky bit
  • Take major roads even if it means going the long way round. They’re more likely to be gritted.
  • Take it slow. Accidents happen when you lose traction which is much less likely if you’re driving at a low speed.
  • Remember to steer INTO a skid if you find yourself sliding
  • If in doubt, don’t go out!

Nanny Jobs – Beating the Competition

Families will quite rightly be picky when choosing a nanny for their children – after all, the nanny will be spending a great deal of time with their children and may even be living in their home. So how can you give yourself the edge over other applicants?

Nanny jobs are desirable to many. They are the most well-paying of childcare professions (although this is no surprise, considering that they are usually the most physically and emotionally taxing, too), and offer a lot of perks.

We often talk about the importance of a family finding the right nanny, but it is equally important for the nanny to find the right family.

Families will quite rightly be picky when choosing a nanny for their children – after all, the nanny will be spending a great deal of time with their children and may even be living in their home. So how can you give yourself the edge over other applicants?

Formal Qualifications

Although formal qualifications are not legally required to work as a nanny, most families will be interested in any qualifications you do have. You need to be able to prove your skills and your ability to not only keep their children safe, but to facilitate their learning and stimulate them. If you don’t have very many formal qualifications, you should think about changing that and ‘skilling up.’  There is a vast array of courses available in childcare, early years education and paediatric first aid, which are the kind of qualification the family will be looking for. (Check out our website for some great offers on courses)

Good References

As previously mentioned, it is not legally required for nannies to possess any formal qualifications. In fact, some of the most well-paid and sought-after nannies are older women who have very few qualifications, but experience and great references from other families. If you are just starting out as a nanny, you’ll need to have previous experience of childcare to demonstrate that you can carry out the tasks required. You might consider doing some voluntary work in a child-orientated setting before starting to apply for nanny jobs.

A Driving License

Being able to drive the family car (or your own car) to ferry children around to school and various extra-curricular activities will most definitely give you an advantage over other applicants. Of course, depending on where the family lives, using public transport may be easier in certain situations but the freedom of being able to drive a private vehicle will not just make your life easier – it will make you more attractive as an employee.

Professional Attitude

Professional nannies are well-prepared for their interviews and well-prepared to be hired. Be sure to have any paperwork ready for the family to see should they wish to (proof of qualifications and DBS documents are important ones) and have a contract of employment prepared.

Love Your Work

Primarily, the family are going to want to see that you genuinely love children and have a passion for your work. As the saying goes, “if you love your job, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Allow the family to see just how much your work means to you.

Father Christmas: Keeping the Magic Alive

Father Christmas can be one of the most magical parts of Christmas celebrations.
Most families choose to encourage a belief of Father Christmas in their children to
help make the world seem a more magical place for them.

So, how can families who keep Father Christmas real in their household keep the
magic alive for their children? Here are some ideas for indulging that childhood
innocence at Christmas time.

A Snack for Santa
You can’t beat traditional activities like this one. Most of us remember how magical
it was when, as a child, we left a mince pie and a glass of sherry out for Father
Christmas (and a carrot for Rudolph, of course) and found the plates and glass empty
the following morning, with crumbs scattered close by.

A Telltale Trail
A messy, but magical way to show your children that Father Christmas has been is to
scatter some glitter on the carpet near the Christmas tree, wet the bottom of a pair of
(clean!) boots and take a few steps through the glitter. If you’re lucky enough to have
snow at Christmas time, you could even leave some footprints on the path outside
(great for families without a chimney!).

A Thoughtful Letter
This could be a great activity for nannies, childminders or other childcare providers
to facilitate. Children could write and decorate thoughtful thank-you notes to Father
Christmas, to leave alongside the midnight snack they will leave out for him.

Attention to Detail
Remember that children notice far more than we give them credit for. Familiar
wrapping paper or a forgotten price tag could be the telltale signs that give the game

Some children, especially younger ones, can find the idea of Father Christmas to be
very frightening. It is understandable – after all, who likes the idea of strange men
creeping around the house at night, even if they do come bearing gifts? There’s no
need to push the myth if you don’t want to. Many families choose to forego Father
Christmas altogether and their Christmases are no less magical for it. If you choose
to keep Father Christmas, and your child is concerned, there are some ways to help.
Many parents find it helpful to tell the child that they will tell Father Christmas to
come to the door and give the presents to the parents, therefore not coming into the
house at all.

It is also worth considering that the traditional “bribe” of the Father Christmas threat
(“If you’re not good, you won’t get any presents”) could pile a lot of pressure on
children who, when young, have little to no impulse control. Christmas time is
supposed to be fun and enjoyable – not full of worry and stress, least of all for the
little ones.

And when the time comes that the children are old enough to start figuring out that
Father Christmas cannot exist, many parents simply tell them that the spirit and magic
of Father Christmas lives in the hearts of all of us – the spirit of giving to others at
Christmas time.

…And there’s definitely truth in that.

Your Nanny: How to Balance Christmas Time Off with Childcare Needs

Your nanny’s annual leave can sometimes be difficult to negotiate, especially at Christmas time.   When making your own plans for work and time off over the Christmas season, you will need to take your nanny’s plans and needs into account as well.

So, how can you strike a balance between your childcare needs, and your nanny’s need for time off over Christmas? How can you keep your nanny happy without leaving yourself in a tricky situation?

Fairly negotiate holiday entitlements

If your nanny is full time, and is given the minimum 4 weeks of paid annual leave each year, a good compromise can be that she chooses when to take two weeks of her holiday, and you choose the other two weeks.  This is to prevent situations such as you choosing to go on holiday, leaving her with no work to do and (quite rightly) expecting payment.  You will likely both have to compromise a little but this is much fairer than things going in just one party’s favour.  Make sure that these arrangements are put in writing and signed by both parties, to ensure that nobody will be surprised or let down later on.  Most nannies will have terms in their contracts that cover issues surrounding annual leave, so you both ought to know where you stand from the beginning.

Plan in advance

Christmas may seem a whole world away earlier in the year, but it is worth discussing in advance what your plans are for the Christmas period, and what your nanny wants to do.  She may have quite specific days that she wishes to be off, or she may be quite happy to be flexible.  If she has her own family, it is pretty safe to say that she will want a decent amount of time off over Christmas.  Agreeing these things in advance, and then putting them in writing, will hopefully avoid disagreements later down the line.  If you know that your nanny would like some time off over Christmas and New Year, you will have plenty of time to organise things at your workplace so that you can be home, or so that you can make alternative arrangements for the care of your children.

Offer benefits – especially at Christmas

Remember, your nanny is your employee.  If she doesn’t feel appreciated, she may well look elsewhere for work.  You may wish to give her some extra holiday on full pay over Christmas as a thank you for her hard work throughout the year, or a monetary bonus of some kind.  Although unsociable hours can sometimes be a part of a nanny’s job description, those hours should always be agreed in advance and not dropped on her suddenly – especially not over Christmas and New Year when she may have her own special arrangements.

Remember, although you are your nanny’s employer, she is a special part of your family.  The relationship should be kept warm yet professional.  As long as everybody is honest and upfront early about their needs and wishes over the festive season, there should be no reason for any aggravation.

The True Meaning of Christmas

Amid the shopping, toys, hustle and bustle of Christmas time, it is easy to forget the
real meaning behind it all. Children become carried away with the excitement of the
promise of new toys (and who could blame them?), and parents become fixated with
preparing for the day itself.

It seems that most of us could benefit from taking some time out from the hype as the
big day approaches.

So how can we ensure that we, and our children, remember what Christmas is really
all about?

The theme of giving runs strong at Christmas. We all know that presents are usually a
substantial part of Christmas excitement – whether we are excited to give or receive.
It’s natural to be excited about receiving gifts, and this shouldn’t be shamed or
quashed – however, placing an emphasis on giving is a wonderful thing also. There
are some really great ways you can do this for children:
• Together with the children, choose some old toys to donate to a charity shop,
refuge or children’s home. This will not only teach the children about the
value of giving to those less fortunate, but it will make space for the new toys
they will get at Christmas. However, the toy-donating shouldn’t be forced, as
it could be very traumatic for a child to unwillingly give away a much loved
toy. They should be able to give freely, or choose not to, or it defies the point
of giving in the first place.
• Encourage children to choose gifts for their siblings and friends themselves,
rather than relying on you to do so.
• Bake some Christmas-themed biscuits, mince pies or other treats together and
take them to a local old people’s home to give out to the residents. Some of
the residents will have few visitors at Christmas time, smiling children bearing
baked goods is bound to cheer a lonely heart.

Christmas truly is a time for family – whether they are blood relatives, or our chosen
family. Today’s world is a big one, and families are often scattered across the globe
rather than living in close-knit communities. If this is the case for you, encourage the
children to make Christmas cards for absent friends and family members who cannot
be with you at this special time of the year. You could even organise a Christmas
carol sing-along over webcam for family members living abroad.

Christmas can also be an emotional time for families who are, sadly, missing some
members. Many people traditionally remember their loved ones who are no longer
with them with small ‘memorial services’ at home. This can be a great way to help
children grieve healthily. Grief is a powerful emotion, and children need to know that
they can express their grief openly with the support of their parents.

So, if you’re feeling the Christmas anxiety creeping in, try to relax and remember
what it’s all about. And most importantly, enjoy yourself!

The Greatest Gift You Can Give This Christmas is Your Time

Forget the presents, simply be present this Christmas!

Think about it honestly. How many times have you noticed yourself being with your child, but you’re not fully engaged? Maybe you were on your phone checking social media or emails. Perhaps you were simply running through all the things you still need to do to prepare for Christmas. Being there, but not being present is something we’re all guilty of occasionally, but Christmas time brings with it a real opportunity to make a change.

Continue reading “The Greatest Gift You Can Give This Christmas is Your Time”

World nursery rhyme week

Hands up if you love nursery rhymes? Then World Nursery Rhyme Week, 10th-14th November 2014, is made for you. Sadly 1 in 4 adults in the UK can’t remember a single, whole nursery rhyme, which means lots of children are missing out on fun.

Nursery rhymes are important for children’s development in lots of different ways. Reciting nursery rhymes helps develop memory and cognitive skills, sequencing events, speech and language, and an understanding of the world. The rhythm of speech patterns used in nursery rhymes is ideal for helping children pick up the number of syllables in each word, and words often important sounds and identify those that rhyme.

Many nursery rhymes help with mathematical development because they involve counting forwards (‘one, two, three, four, five once I caught a fish alive) and backwards (ten green bottles….nine green bottles…eight green bottles…) and stretch children’s imagination.

You can use nursery rhymes in many different ways, not just singing! Encourage children to clap along either to the beat or to the rhythm of the syllables, make up actions, paint or do crafts using images and ideas from the rhymes, create a bag or box of props to illustrate rhymes, get finger puppets…the possibilities are endless.

The 5 rhymes for World Nursery Rhyme Week 2022 are:

Oranges and Lemons
Old King Cole
Five Currant Buns
Hey Diddle Diddle
I hear Thunder

What will you do?

Is a Childminder the Right Choice for You?

Like any form of childcare, using a childminder has its upsides and downsides. The needs of working parents are as varied as the children they need to find care for.  Just as with parenting in general, when it comes to childcare, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.

In this article, we will try to make an often-difficult decision – what kind of childcare to choose – a little easier by providing a simple list of the pros and cons of using a childminder.

Childminder Pros

  • It is important, emotionally speaking, for children to forge strong attachments to their caregivers.  It is easier for children to form an attachment to one caregiver, rather than several staff members at a nursery or preschool.
  • Your childminder will be limited in the amount of children she can have in her care at one time, ensuring that she will be able to give the children in their care the attention that they need.
  • A childminder will often end up costing less than a nursery or preschool.
  • Many childminders accept the UK’s Early Years Vouchers that give all 3+ year olds 15 free hours of childcare per week.
  • Childminders will often take newborn babies.
  • Some will offer to pick-up and drop-off themselves, saving you further time.
  • Childminders are OFSTED regulated, and by law they must have had a minimum level of training – unlike in some nurseries, where only a percentage of the staff are required to be qualified.
  • Because the number of children they are caring for is much lower than a nursery or preschool, they are able to offer more flexible, individualised care, taking into consideration any preferences of the parents in discipline styles, for example.
  • A childminder often becomes like a family friend, and a much-loved figure in the child’s life, remembered well into adulthood.
  • The home-from-home setting can make it a lot easier for children to settle into being apart from their parents.  In addition, being cared for by a childminder makes it easier for sensitive children to develop their social skills, as they will only ever be in a small group of children.

Childminder Cons

  • Because they are so popular, it can be difficult to find a childminder that is available at the times you need them.
  • As they work alone, it is a concern of some parents that there is no way of telling what happens behind closed doors.  These parents would probably prefer their children to be cared for in a nursery setting.
  • Some parents prefer the more school-like, structured environment of a nursery or preschool over the more relaxed, home environment of the childminder – this is not a ‘con’ as such, rather a personal choice.

From the perspective of the parents, a childminder often proves to be the most cost-effective, flexible childcare choice.  Equally as importantly, many children do better with the individualised care and home-from-home setting that a childminder can provide.  Only you know whether a childminder is the right childcare choice for your situation.

Bonfire night safety

With the cost of living on the increase and many of us watching the pennies (and pounds!) you might decide to recreate some of the fun at home with sparklers or by building a small bonfire with older children, maybe even doing some campfire cooking. The most important thing to keep in mind is that fire, and fireworks, are dangerous.

Sparklers are cheap and fun. They give off sparkles as they burn and make pretty patterns, but they can also be very dangerous and definitely shouldn’t be used by children under 5. When using sparklers:

  • Make sure everyone wears gloves
  • Hold sparklers well away from you
  • Keep a bucket of water to put the finished sparklers in
  • Only light one at a time
  • Never pass lit sparklers
  • Keep children more than an arm + sparkler’s width apart – around 6ft or 2m is a good distance
  • Never allow them to wave sparklers at each other or duel with them

If you want to make a fire, then follow some simple rules and keep it small so it doesn’t get out of control. Remember that if it’s windy you shouldn’t build a fire as the wind could pick up burning sticks and quickly get out of control. If you decide to have a bonfire at home:

  • Build the fire carefully and make sure it on clear ground away from buildings, vehicles trees, fences and overhead cables. If your garden is too small to build a fire safely then go to a public display.
  • Make sure all clothing is safe to be around fires – some synthetic materials will melt when in contact with heat
  • Don’t use any accelerants such as petrol or lighter fuel to make the fire burn faster
  • Only put wood, cardboard, leaves and and paper on it but keep flyaway materials to a minimum
  • Have buckets or water or a fire extinguisher nearby
  • Follow basic fire safety rules and once the fire has died down make sure you dampen the embers to stop it relighting

And finally, we hope you don’t need it but here’s a quick refresher on how to care for a burn:

  • Cool under cold running water for at least 10 minutes
  • A burn larger than the size of your hand requires treatment in A&E, as do full thickness burns (these look white or charred) or partial thickness burns to the face, hands, feet, arms or legs (these burns have blisters).
  • Get medical help for any burn in a child under 5, a pregnant woman, someone over 60, has a pre-existing medical condition or if there are other injuries or the person is going into shock
  • Don’t pull off anything which is stuck to the burn – if necessary, cut the material around it
  • Don’t touch the burn or try to pop any blisters
  • Cover the burn with cling film or put a clear plastic bag over the hand or foot to prevent infection – do not apply ice, creams or greasy substances such as butter