Childcare is Tough! Stay Energised with These Top Tips!

Being a parent is tough! Being a nanny is tough! Working in a nursery is tough! Raising a child is one of the most rewarding, but also one of the most challenging things you could ever do. The trouble with constantly taking care of the needs of your child or young charges is that it’s easy to push aside your own which can quickly lead to burnout that can affect both you and your children.

Try these top tips to help you take care of and re-energise yourself:

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Gender Stereotyping – What Is It and How to Avoid It

The topic of gender stereotyping with regards to children has been gaining a lot of traction in the news and online. You’ve probably already seen at least one article, video or news feature on this topic.

But what is it?

Gender stereotyping is associating certain expectations or ideals depending upon someone’s gender. In relation to children, this could be that typically, girls should like the colour pink and should play with dolls and kitchen sets, whereas boys should like the colour blue and should be more physical in their play, making mess or playing with action figures and video games.

Continue reading “Gender Stereotyping – What Is It and How to Avoid It”

How Do I Hire a Nanny?

Hiring a nanny means finding someone who you can entrust your children to all through the day. As you will be opening your home to the nanny, it is extremely important that you don’t make mistakes that mean you’ll end up regretting hiring her. If you wish to successfully hire a nanny, all you need to do is follow these simple steps.

Determine the Type of Nanny You Want To Hire

Generally, there are two types of nannies: live in and live out. Live-in nannies, as the name implies, are child-caregivers who stay with you in your house. If you are looking for someone who can take care of your children all through the day and sometimes through the  night, or your work / life hours are often changeable and you need different hours each week you you might consider hiring a live-in nanny. On the other hand, if you are simply trying to balance your work and personal life, you might prefer a live-out nanny. Remember that a live-in Nanny will need her own space, ideally a bedroom with an en-suite and she will need to be able to use the house a bit like her own on her time off so if you don’t like the thought of someone being there in your family time this may not be for you. Like regular employees, live-out nannies have specific working hours during the day.  Nannies of each type provide different benefits. In essence, what seems to be the advantage of one proves to be a disadvantage of the other, and vice versa.

Before the Interview Process

Write a detailed job description including the duties that you want the nanny to take up. Remember though that the more chores you give the nanny, the less time she’ll spend looking after your children. You could ask some of your friends, neighbours or family for essential pointers on what to look for in a nanny.

During the Interview

You can conduct two to three interviews before you hire a nanny. Do not let your children get involved during the first interview.  During this phase, you are still figuring out whether or not you move to the second interview. Ask vital questions related to the resume and discuss with the applicant your expectations, as well as your children’s personalities. Make sure that the applicant can provide references from previous employers.

Calling previous clients to ask about her performance is vital before hiring the nanny. Do not hire a nanny without investigating her background and work experience. Ask about previous traffic accidents, driving under the influence, or any criminal offences. You may also want to check her work visa, passport, driving license, criminal record, etc. If you are using the services of a nanny agency, you need to make sure that they have already verified the candidate’s DBS.

If you decide you are interested in pursuing the applicant, you may now want to conduct subsequent interviews that include your whole family. Always maintain a comfortable level of communication so that you can easily spot potential problems before you hire a nanny.

Do not commit to hire a nanny until you’ve had the opportunity to investigate her records. If everything goes well, detail a written agreement with the nanny and make sure the contract includes the nanny’s duties, terms of employment, wages, taxes and insurance.

How to be a Good Nanny?

Anyone can become a nanny, but how to be a good nanny is a totally different story. If you want to impress your employer then you have to be able to demonstrate the qualities of good nannies. Here are some tips for fulfilling the role of a good nanny.

Anyone can become a nanny, but how to be a good nanny is a totally different story. If you want to impress your employer then you have to be able to demonstrate the qualities of good nannies. Here are some tips for fulfilling the role of a good nanny.

Be Respectful and Well-Mannered

If you offer a full time nanny service, the chances are you will be living in an environment that could be radically different from what you are accustomed to.  If you have a different religion, or are from a different race, have different values or culture, will you be able to adapt to and respect their environment? You may have a distinct child rearing philosophy that deviates from that of your employer. If so, are you willing to adapt and follow child rearing rules set by the parents?

If you are a live-out nanny, make sure to let your employers know about emergency absences immediately so they can make alternative arrangements. A good nanny is respectful and realises that parents rely on her punctuality so they can go to work without any delays.

Be Playful and Creative

Encourage the children to be as active as possible. Find something fun and productive to distract them from spending long hours in front of the television. You may take them to the park or museums, read to them, or get them involved in artistic activities. If you are playful and creative you will be a real asset and prove to be a good nanny to the family.

Keep Children Safe All the Time

Always make safety a priority when you are in charge of the overall wellness of the children. You may not be aware of it but your employer will be keeping out an eye on you all the time. Holding the child’s hand while crossing the street, closing the gate, and fastening the child in the car seat are just a few instances where you will be keenly observed by your employer. So if you want to know how to become a good nanny, the answer is straight and simple, treat the children as if they are your own.

Maintain Open Lines of Communication

Your employers need you to openly communicate with them as this is the only way for both parties to catch up. You need to understand that they will be interested in what the children have been up to the whole day.  Open communication will also keep your employers up-to-date of any problems. On another note, you need to know how you can communicate with them easily as concerns may arise any time of the day.

It is extremely important to remember that a nanny plays a vital role in nurturing a child. So if you want to know how to become a good nanny, think like a parent wondering how to be a good parent and you won’t go far wrong.

7 steps to be heat safe

With summer definitely peeping around the corner, we have already seen some glorious, hot days but how do you keep cool when it’s so hot? Here are some of our top tips

With summer definitely peeping around the corner, we have already seen some glorious, hot days but how do you keep cool when it’s so hot? Here are some of our top tips

1. Drink plenty

Hot weather can lead to dehydration really quickly so avoid caffeinated, fizzy or very sugary drinks. Make water more interesting by adding a squeeze of lemon, lime or orange, summery berries, some bruised mint leaves or flavoured ice cubes.

2. Wear sunscreen, shades and hats

Children in particular need protecting from the sun’s rays so apply plenty of sunscreen before going outside, always wear a hat and protect your eyes with sunglasses. If you’re responsible for kitting kids out then find wide-brimmed hats and wrap-around sunglasses they like.

3. Careful in cars

Cool down cars before getting in by opening doors and windows for a few minutes. Before popping children in the car check seat covers, straps and buckles to make sure they’re not too hot. Never leave a child in the car unattended even for a very short period – they can heat up very quickly.

4. Water-play it safe

Splashing around in swimming and paddling pools is a great way to cool down, and so is water play outside, but remember a child can drown in just a few centimetres of water so keep a close eye on them whenever near water.

5. Keep the sun out the house

Closing blinds and curtains during the day will keep the house cooler. This is especially important for children’s bedrooms which should be kept between 16C and 20C.

6. Don’t be overdressed

Although it’s a good idea to ear wear long-sleeved, loose clothing to protect skin from the sun make sure that babies in particularly aren’t overdressed for the weather. Natural fibres are coolest and choose thin fabrics.

7. Pack picnics carefully

If you’re going out to the day remember that food can spoil very quickly in this heat. Make sure cool bags are kept cool with ice packs that have been well frozen beforehand. Avoid foods containing meat or egg and limit dairy too. If you usually prepare formula in advance and keep it cool, consider using ready made cartons as it’s unlikely the milk will stay below 5C when you’re out and about.

photo credit: Simon Blackley via photopin cc

Keeping your cool

Some days can just be frustrating. Your alarm doesn’t go off, you forgot to fill up the car, there’s no milk when you get to work, the children won’t nap and bicker endlessly, you finish later than planned…..As child carers we don’t have the luxury of a 5 minute break to cool off with a cuppa, we can’t lock ourselves in the loo for a quick cry and we work with people who, by definition, are unreasonable. So how do you keep your cool when everything seems to be falling around you? We asked some of our Nannies for their top tips

Some days can just be frustrating. Your alarm doesn’t go off, you forgot to fill up the car, there’s no milk when you get to work, the children won’t nap and bicker endlessly, you finish later than planned…..As child carers we don’t have the luxury of a 5 minute break to cool off with a cuppa, we can’t lock ourselves in the loo for a quick cry and we work with people who, by definition, are unreasonable. So how do you keep your cool when everything seems to be falling around you? We asked some of our Nannies for their top tips.

Sammie, Nanny, 27

I recently took up yoga and meditation. Now when I’m getting a bit stressed, I trying to do some focused breathing, or sit in a relaxing pose. The little girl I look after tries to copy me and I think it calms her down too so it’s good for when we’re both stressed out.

Emma, Childminder, 32

Whenever I feel myself getting hot and bothered, I throw my plans for the next half an hour out the window and start an activity I enjoy doing. Playdough is therapeutic for me! Then my mindees come and join in and it reminds me why I love working with children.

Hannah, Nanny, 23

The best way to get rid of stress is to smile, make funny faces and funny noises. No-one can stay cross for long. You must laugh instead.

Nina, Nanny, 35

We always put on some music and have a bit of a boogie. Sometimes I need to stomp around a bit, so I pretend it’s dancing, sometimes I just need something to lift my spirits. If all else fails, there’s always Gloria Gaynor.

Eve, Childminder, 38

If I’m cross, I talk about it with the children. I think children are very sensitive and can pick up on your mood easily so it’s important to identify it for them and say what’s happened to make you feel that way. Children can have good suggestions for making you feel better too.

Jess, Nanny, 29

Counting to 10 always works for me. Plus, it’s educational. You just keep counting until you’ve cooled off.

Patricia, Nanny, 54

I’ve learned that you must talk about what made you upset in the first place, so you don’t end up in one of ‘those’ moods with it being one of ‘those’ days. If you feel your boss has been inconsiderate, write it down and chat about it in the evening. If your charges are pushing the boundaries talk to them and to their parents. Talking means you’re not trying to cope on your own and you’re taking steps to resolve the problem.

Lucia, Childminder, 32

Learn to let go. It’s not worth working yourself up because you end up getting unhappier as the day goes on. Holding onto what went wrong only makes more things feel like they’re going wrong. Let it go as soon as it happens.


Debbie, Nanny, 41

Don’t take responsibility for children’s behaviour and emotions. They’re their own person and although they need to learn to control how they feel don’t feel like you’re failing and stress yourself out because they aren’t behaving properly. Your own feelings and actions are the only thing you’re responsible for. Let them be angry if they need to.

Continuing professional development for nannies

In a competitive market a nanny who regularly refreshes and expands their skills will stand out from the crowd. Luckily a number of training providers have stepped in to fill the gap but it can still be hard to find a course that is on a date that suits you in a location that you find convenient. To help you along Nannyjob have secured discounted courses for you. Check out the courses on offer here Training for Nannies – Nannyjob

In celebration of this we’ve pulled together 3 top tips to make sure you get bang for your buck!

1. Ask About Course content

Don’t be afraid to ask questions about what is covered in the course. A good training company will be able to give you a fairly detailed breakdown of the topics you’ll encounter, which will help you decide whether the course is worth your time.

2. Check Accreditation

A course which has been accredited will have undergone a certain amount of scrutiny from the awarding body, which means you can have a measure of confidence in the delivery and assessment procedures. Some awarding bodies, such as CACHE, will also check the content of the course to ensure that it’s factual and based on best practice.

3. Get opinions

It’s rare to find a course or training provider that everyone raves about, although they do exist, and one nanny’s meat is another nanny’s poison and all that BUT if you get overwhelmingly negative reviews or the same bad points keep coming out then do take that into account.

Hassle free holidays

Holidays can be a sticky topic for nannies and employers to discuss. Every employee has the right to take 5.6 weeks (28 days full time, pro rata for part time positions) holiday per year. This breaks down to 8 Bank holidays and 4 weeks of other holiday, which is how it’s been expressed for many years in nanny contracts, although with an increase in part-time positions this is no longer a good idea.

Holidays can be a sticky topic for nannies and employers to discuss. Every employee has the right to take 5.6 weeks (28 days full time, pro rata for part time positions) holiday per year. This breaks down to 8 Bank holidays and 4 weeks of other holiday, which is how it’s been expressed for many years in nanny contracts, although with an increase in part-time positions this is no longer a good idea.

Many people plan to take their most substantial holiday between June and September to benefit from the summer weather or because they are restricted by school holidays. It’s important to agree ahead of time when holidays will be so both parties have a chance to make plans, particularly as prices during school holidays can be very high. It’s not unheard of among nannies for employers to only inform their nanny of holiday plans at the very last minute, leaving the nanny with 2 weeks holiday that they’ve made no plans for.

For nannies it’s never a good idea to book a holiday without clearing it first with your employers. Employers can refuse holiday requests, although they do have to enable you to take your holiday at some point during the year. Most contracts say the holiday is 50% the employer’s choice and 50% the nanny’s but this is a custom rather than a legal right. It may be very inconvenient for you employer to find cover for you that week so communicate your plans well in advance and try to offer a couple of different dates. Your employers should appreciate the flexibility. The best case scenario is to sit down at the beginning of the school or calendar year and work out when holidays are likely. Then as plans firm up you can confirm or change holiday plans.

A common stumbling block is when employers take more holiday that they have given their nanny in the contract. There is no legal right to have more holiday than the 5.6 weeks every employee is entitled to, however it is a customary perk (and excellent compensation for working long hours) to give a nanny additional paid time off when their employer is away. If your contract explicitly states that there is more holiday then this is a contractual right. A nanny might be asked to do some jobs around the home while their charges are away, such as sorting through toys or clothes, batch cooking for the freezer, buying and naming new school uniform or spring cleaning children’s rooms. If you do request this additional work from your nanny then leave them the autonomy to decide when it’s done. They may choose to ‘work from home’ buying and naming school uniform, or spend an evening sorting clothes or cooking instead of arriving at 8am.

Finding cover for a nanny can be a problem; If it’s impossible to take time off working and you have no family support then investigate activity camps for older children, or ask your nanny if any of their friends would be interested in a week or two of extra work. Alternatively a temporary nanny will provide the same level of cover you are used to – particularly important if you need to travel for work or work long hours. You can either use an agency or search our database to find a temporary nanny.

As always, communicating with each other about your plans is vital! If you do this then there’s no reason holidays should cause any hassle!


Image © Siart | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

Choosing childcare

One of the biggest decisions to do with children is choosing what form of childcare you want to use once you return to work. This decision is governed by a number of factors, including the hours you need, the cost of childcare and availability in your area, but also reflects your personal preferences.

One of the biggest decisions to do with children is choosing what form of childcare you want to use once you return to work. This decision is governed by a number of factors, including the hours you need, the cost of childcare and availability in your area, but also reflects your personal preferences.


Some childcare providers e.g. nurseries are only open between fixed times. In order to use this type of chidcare your working hours and commute should fit comfortably within these times. Childminders offer a little more flexibility – although most advertise core hours they are better equipped than nurseries to flex by 15 minutes either way if they so wish, and may be more accommodating of shift patterns. Nannies and nanny shares (were two families jointly employ a nanny to care for children from both families at once) are the most flexible form of childcare because as an employer you can dictate the hours you want and advertise accordingly. Au pairs can provide before and after school wrap around are in a similar way to nannies but are not normally suitable for extended charge of young children, although they are a viable option for nursery wraparound care.


If you wish to claim any help with childcare costs from the Government you will need to ensure you use registered childcare.

Childcare costs vary between regions but according to the Daycare Trust’s annual childcare costs survey childminders are cheaper on average, followed by nurseries, with nannies being the most expensive for one child. A nanny, however, is a fixed cost per family so can be a good option for families with 2 or more children and offers better flexibility with school holidays etc so if you have older children or planning on having more it may work out cheaper in the long run. 

Nanny salaries vary between an average of £600 gross weekly for a live in nanny outside London and the Home Counties and £700 gross weekly for a live out nanny in Central London, working up to 60 hours per week. A less qualified or experienced nanny will earn less than this, and the more experience and qualifications a nanny has, the more they will earn. There will also be additional cost such as employer’s liability insurance if not included in your house insurance, a payroll company, car insurance if the nanny is driving your car, a kitty for activities and any emergency bread and milk shopping and the cost of feeding your nanny, and if they live in, associated bills, which can easily come to £50-100 per week. In a nanny share the cost is likely to be around 60% of employing a nanny by yourself.

An au pair is paid between £70 and £100 a week plus board and lodging for 25-30 hours’ work but as for nannies you will need to factor in around another £50-100 on bills and food, depending on how environmentally aware your au pair is and whether they fit well with your family’s eating pattern or you end up buying additional food, car insurance if you require your au pair to drive, which can be expensive for under-25s holding a non-UK license, a basic mobile phone and inclusion in any family outings and activities.

Personal preferences

Do you want your child to be cared for in a home environment?  You’ll need to look at a nanny or childminder.

Do you want your child to be around other children? A nursery, childminder or nanny share would probably suit you best.

Do you want your children to be cared for in a setting with more than one adult? A nursery or a childminder working with an assistant/another childminder is the best option for you.

Do you want your child to be cared for by only one person? A childminder or nanny will ensure your child receives consistent care.

Are you prepared to become an employer? If not, a nanny is not a viable option as nannies cannot be self-employed except in very specific circumstances.

Want to find out more? Look at our past blog posts on ‘why to choose a childminder‘, ‘nursery care to suit your child‘, or ‘is a nanny right for you?‘ or go and search for childcarers in your area.

Lifestyles of the rich and the famous

Many nannies dream of working of a VIP or even celebrity family. It’s a hidden world where nannies sign extensive confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements* but get to travel in private jets, stay in 5* luxury and get designer handbags as bonuses. Take a peek inside and meet The Royal Nanny, The Super-Wealthy Nanny and The High Profile Nanny.

Many nannies dream of working of a VIP or even celebrity family. It’s a hidden world where nannies sign extensive confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements* but get to travel in private jets, stay in 5* luxury and get designer handbags as bonuses. Take a peek inside and meet The Royal Nanny, The Super-Wealthy Nanny and The High Profile Nanny.

What’s it like day to day?

The Royal Nanny: I wake the children up and supervise them getting dressed and so on in the morning. Then we go down to breakfast, which is prepared and cleared away so I don’t have to do anything, which is amazing! I usually talk to the kitchen staff about lunch and dinner while the children are eating and any other staff who will be involved in the day. After breakfast if the children’s mother is around we’ll go and see her for up to an hour and then we might spend time in the gardens, at the pool or inside doing some structured activities. It’s difficult to do normal things in the compound but I try and organise some time in the kitchen every so often so we can bake, for example. Often there are cousins around so we might play with them. After lunch it’s time for a rest, and then the afternoon is the same as the morning, but we’re more likely to go out if the children’s mother wants to. Dinner is eaten later than I was used to, and then I supervise bedtime. After that I report to my employers on what we did that day and I’m off duty until the next morning. We travel quite a lot and then I find we all work a lot more, which is annoying because it’s easier to go out when you’re in a big city!

The High-Profile Nanny: It’s really normal! Sometimes the kids are up when I get there, sometimes they aren’t. I do breakfast, tidy up, gather up school shoes and reading bag and anything that needs to go back to school and do the school run. Then there’s usually toddler group, Gymboree or a playdate in the morning, back for lunch and nap while I get nursery duties done before going back to school, running round any after school activities or playdates, home for dinner and bath and by then one of my bosses is usually home and I leave!

The Super-Wealthy Nanny: I work 24 hours so anytime the littlest one wakes in the night I get up. We all have to be up by 7.15 and get ready for the day. Usually the housekeeper prepares breakfast so all we have to do is go downstairs and she tidies up too so once breakfast is done we brush teeth in the downstairs bathroom and it’s straight out the door to school. The older ones are responsible for their own school stuff, just because they’re really rich doesn’t mean they can’t start taking responsibility for themselves. The driver takes us to school and then to whatever activity the little ones are doing. The days are actually really busy because they do a lot but it’s never just me so some days I’ll pick up both the older ones from school and plan something for everyone but twice a week the oldest has something after school so the driver goes back later and I stay with the other three. It’s tough to organise going to play with friends because of the security. Sometimes I feel a bit awkward saying that my charge will be accompanied by a bodyguard! When we got home we have to fit in homework and music practice and so on. My bosses definitely expect to see results from what they pay for so the children work hard. I don’t have to worry about dinner because either the housekeeper prepares it or we have something from the freezer. I try to have everyone in bed by 8.30 because it’s only when they’re down that it’s my time! We have a duty bedroom in the main house where we stay but if it’s changeover night then the other nanny will arrive about 6 and I can go to the place we share, or go out!

What has been your best experience?

The Royal Nanny: There have been loads but staying on a private island was probably the best.

The High-Profile Nanny: Just my boss saying thanks for keeping the kids safe and letting them have a normal childhood. It made me feel like I was doing my job right.

The Super-Wealthy Nanny: It was when the family just arrived in London and my charges had no toys. The mother drove us to Hamleys and told me to buy anything I wanted for them. I don’t know who was more excited – my charges or me!

What has been the worst experience?

The Royal Nanny: Accompanying my employers and the children to a major event and being caught up in a security breach. It was terrifying. I honestly thought someone was coming after the family I work for.

The High-Profile Nanny: The first time there was a big news story involving my boss – I was convinced everyone I spoke to was a journalist waiting for me to say something stupid.

The Super-Wealthy Nanny: Getting lost in one of their houses. I was only going to the kitchen to get some bottled water and I was gone for 20 minutes when I thought I’d be 3, tops. I came back to find my boss in the playroom looking really puzzled by why I’d been gone so long. I tried to explain what had happened and she just made me feel like a worm. I didn’t leave my charges alone – there was someone else there – but neither of us knew the house and I thought I knew where I was going, except I didn’t! I still don’t really get what I did that was so wrong because I think I’ve messed up worse other times but that time it was the reaction that made it really bad.

What was the biggest change for you?

The Royal Nanny: It was the formality and learning all the rules. There are rules about who you can and can’t speak to if they don’t speak to you first, what you have to call them, whether you’re expected to curtsey in public and so on and then you have to remember what you have to teach the children because the rules are different for them. There are even hierarchies in the household servants and between the other nannies, which is a bit crazy.

The High-Profile Nanny: Having to be really, really careful about media attention.

The Super-Wealthy Nanny: Working in a team with another nanny. Luckily we really get along, but when I started they just had me during the week and a weekend nanny who came daily so it wasn’t too different to a normal job, except instead of the parents letting my charges watch too much TV it was the other nanny! Then it changed so we work 4 days on and have 3 off, and sometimes we work 7 days straight, or on holiday it’s usually half days. It all gets a bit complicated because it’s our responsibility to work it out and make sure there’s always someone there. But when we first started with this system we weren’t communicating well so stuff for school got forgotten or one would arrange a play date for the other’s day and not say anything.

Do you really travel by private jet, stay in 5* hotels and get a designer handbag as a bonus?

The Royal Nanny: We have sort of travelled by private jet and if we stay anywhere that isn’t family or friends then it’s 5* but I’ve never had a designer handbag bonus.

The High-Profile Nanny: No, not at all! I work for a totally normally family where one of my bosses just happens to have a job that’s in the papers a lot. I would love a designer handbag…

The Super-Wealthy Nanny: Yes, we do. I got a gorgeous handbag for my birthday last year. I’m such a cliché!

What piece of advice would you give anyone who wants your job?

The Royal Nanny: Put time into acquiring skills and qualifications that will make you fit in with their lifestyle and simultaneously allow you to deliver top quality care. Most nannies I meet have some kind of teaching experience, especially for older children, because a big part of the role is preparing the children for school, or possibly even educating them at home.

The High-Profile Nanny: Develop a really thick skin. People will say all sorts of things about you and your employers because they’re in the public eye and it can be hurtful to hear or read it, especially when it isn’t true. You have to put it out of your mind because the children come first.

The Super-Wealthy Nanny: Don’t let the way they flash their cash make you feel embarrassed. It can seem really over the top at first, and I suppose it is, but you’ll be hanging out with other people who find it normal so you’ll stick out more if you look uncomfortable.

*no confidentiality agreements were broken or harmed in any way in the production of this post