The cost of employing a nanny

You want to employ a nanny and you’re setting out your budget. Here are some costs you need to consider…

What you pay your nanny – this is known as the net wage. You may be able to get childcare vouchers which can go towards paying this amount.

Frequency – weekly or monthly (we recommend monthly to simplify reporting to HMRC)

What you pay on behalf of your nanny – this is tax, National Insurance and (depending on your staging date) work based pension contributions. This combined with what you pay your nanny is the gross wage.

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Spotlight on cars

If a nanny drives as part of her (or his) job then they may use their own car or a car provided for them by their employer. Nowadays most nannies have their own cars but may not be happy to use them for work. If they are then there are several things to take into account:

Mileage – anyone using their car for work can be paid 45p/mile for the first 10,000 miles free of tax. If a nanny does over 10,000 miles this drops to 25p/mile. Miles done should be recorded (most people find a little notebook helpful) and submitted at regular intervals.

Insurance – nannies using their own car need to have business class insurance and the insurer needs to be aware what their job is.

Continue reading “Spotlight on cars”

Benefits in Kind

Our partners at  provide payroll advice for parents and nannies and have provided this content. For more advice and support please get in touch with them.

Benefits in kind are benefits which both Employers and Employees can receive from their employment, which are not included in their salary.

As an employee, you pay tax on company benefits.  The amount of tax you pay, depends on what kind of benefits you get and their value and it is the employer who deducts the amounts from the employee’s gross earnings. However, some company benefits, are tax free.

 Most common benefits in Kind for nannies are listed below:

Private Car Mileage / Fuel Allowance

– Is not a taxable benefit if the employee is using the car during working hours. If they are using the car to get to and from work and outside their normal working hours, then this would be classed as a benefit in kind.  If nanny is using their own car whilst they are at work, up to 0.45p per mile is tax free.  Anything above this amount would be classed as a benefit and kind and will need to be reported to HMRC.

Private Medical Insurance

Subscriptions and Professional Fees

  • Such as paying for nanny’s Ofsted registration, DBS check, Nanny’s Public Liability Insurance

Living Accommodation

If you are providing living accommodation where the nanny has separate living quarters to the employer, this is classed as a benefit in kind, along with any bills and furniture you provide

Beneficial loans – Interest free or low interest

  • Any low –interest or interest free loans above the value of £10,000 are a Benefit in Kind.

Flights – which do not include family holidays if you are taking the nanny with you

Any declarations for Benefits in Kind need to be submitted to HMRC via for P11(D) by 6th July each year.  As an employer, there will be Class 1A National Insurance of 13.8% on the taxable benefit.

For more help and advice on this or any other payroll related matter please contact our recommended partners Payroll for Nannies