Best 5 Audiobooks for Kids

Audiobooks are fantastic for children, especially those who haven’t yet learned to read. Audiobooks can even help your child to improve their reading ability, especially if they follow the words in the book whilst listening to the audiobook.

Audiobooks are also great for quiet time and for keeping children occupied during long journeys.

That’s why we’ve put together our top 5 audiobooks for children to get you started:

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5 Books for Young Readers!

Here at, we’ll never stop talking about how important books and stories are for children. That’s why we’ve put together a list of 5 books, perfect for young readers.

Remember that books aren’t just for children who can already read, it’s just as important that you read to your children, no matter how old they are!

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Quiet Time Activities for Toddlers

Does your toddler still enjoy an afternoon nap? Afternoon naps are wonderful, giving you and your toddler some well-needed rest from all of that energy they’ve been using throughout the day. Unfortunately, those naps won’t last forever and eventually, your toddler will grow out of their need for an afternoon doze.

However, that doesn’t mean that the quiet time you both enjoy, and need has to be replaced with noisy, energy-filled activities. Quiet-time activities can help to occupy young children whilst building their skills and giving you a little time to relax.

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Can a robot change a nappy?

The news that Google is developing an AI (Artificial Intelligence) nanny has been making the rounds and whilst it’s not a shocking announcement, it is a disturbing one.

In the past few years, we’ve seen a multitude of announcements about robots and other artificial intelligence that claim to be able to raise our children.

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Interview with a Nanny!

We asked a childcarer with over 20 years’ experience working with children to share some of her best advice and top tips for new nannies and parents.

  1. My top piece of advice to a new nanny is to find out as much about your new job as you can within the first week. Ask questions about how your employer likes things done, where they keep things, when you should do things. Check regularly that you are working the way they want you to and make changes if you aren’t. And don’t take offence if you’re not getting things quite right to begin with. If you can do this, and remain open and honest, you will be happy in your job. Continue reading “Interview with a Nanny!”

What’s in Your Nanny Bag?

As a nanny, you need to be prepared for any situation, especially if you have young children. Even the simplest thing can save the day, or ruin it.

That’s why we’ve put together our list of essential items for your nanny bag:

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How You Can Help Prevent Internet Addiction

Technology and the internet are all around us. For most people, smartphones, tablets and computers are an integral part of life be it for work, pleasure, or both and it’s understandable that children will pick up on that and want to be involved.

Many young children have access to tablets, smartphones or computers and enjoy using them to discover and learn new things. But, when does this access to technology become dangerous for children, and at what point does it turn into something potentially damaging like internet addiction?

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Top Tips to Help Children Care for Animals

Teaching children to love and care for animals is a great way to help build their ability to empathise and to be compassionate, whilst learning the skills required to ensure an animal is happy and healthy.

Caring for animals can also help to teach patience, the importance of hard-work and how to look out for those who are more vulnerable, which will in turn help with their social development.

Here are our top tips to help foster a love for animals in your children:

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How Nannies Can Help Teach Children About Nutrition

It’s never too early to begin teaching children about nutrition and healthy eating. Parents are typically the ones to begin establishing healthy eating habits for the whole family but whilst parents are at work, it’s nanny who can help to build upon this foundation and encourage children to continue eating healthily.

It’s normal for everyone, children included, to develop the occasional craving for something sweet, junk food and fast food. Think about it, how many times have you taken your child for a happy meal because it’s cheap and easy?

There’s nothing wrong with it, in moderation. But it’s also important to teach children how to moderate their cravings and why they should.

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How to Keep Your Kids Safe in the Sun

With the school summer holidays almost upon us, it’s the time of year where most children are desperate to play outside in the sun. It’s also the time of year where parents and nannies need to pay extra care and attention in order to prevent things like:

  • Sun-stroke
  • Sunburn
  • Water accidents
  • Insect bites/stings

To help put your mind at ease and to give your children a fun and safe summer, we’ve put together this guide to help you keep your kids safe in the sun.

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