How to Be a Good Role Model for Your Nanny Children – Part Two

Last week, we began discussing the importance of being a positive role model for the children in your life and gave you 5 tips to help you on your way to being a better role model for your nanny children. If you missed last week’s posts How to Be a Good Role Model for Your Nanny Children – Part One, be sure to check it out.

Since this is such an important topic and we couldn’t fit everything into just one post, we decided to carry it over to this week to give you another 5 tips:

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How to Be a Good Role Model for Your Nanny Children – Part One

Children, no matter their age, need as many positive role models in their life as possible, which makes your job as their nanny even more important.

Children, particularly young children, can often be found mimicking the behaviours of those around them, especially those that they see and interact with on a regular basis. This can be as simple as mimicking your actions, to copying your eating habits. That’s why we’ve put together our tips on how to be a good role model and set the right example for your nanny children.

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Nannies – Knowing When to Take a Sick Day

Nannies, much like parents, are only human when it comes to things like the common cold or flu and whilst you may be worried about leaving your employer without childcare, it’s important that you let them know if you’re too sick to work. Better that, than have the whole family come down with the same illness.

However, if you only have a slight headache or something minor that allows you to function normally, it’s always best to head into work as usual. This way, you’ll show your employer that you have a great work ethic and they’ll come to know that you’re responsible and reliable.

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Should you ask your nanny to get vaccinated?

The subject of vaccinations is a tricky one, with everyone having their own opinion on whether or not they wish to vaccinate their children.

However, in recent years it’s become common for employers to require that a nanny or other childcare provider has received their vaccinations. In particular, vaccinations for the flu, measles and whooping cough.

The reason for this is that even healthy people can contract any of these three illnesses, all of which are contagious and all of which can cause severe complications in young children.

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Why Nannies Should Ask Parents for References

It’s only natural for a parent to ask a nanny for their past references and recommendations. They are, after all, entrusting the happiness, health and safety of their children to a complete stranger.

Why then, shouldn’t this also apply to nannies? Nannies, particularly live-in nannies, put their own livelihood and safety into the hands of the family they are becoming a part of and so common sense would suggest that a nanny should also obtain references from the parent(s) so that they are fully aware of the professional and personal nature of their new employer(s).

That’s why we’ve put together our top tips to help ensure that you only work with trustworthy, reliable employers:

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Online Learning Resources for Older Children and Teenagers

At some point during your career as a nanny you’ll probably be asked by one of the children in your care for help, whether it’s with homework, a school project or a personal interest or hobby.

We’ve put together a list of online resources that you and your children might find useful and are perfect for helping children and teenagers to learn online either with help or independently.

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Au Pair or Nanny – What’s the difference?

What’s the difference between a nanny and an au pair? It’s a question we hear from a lot of parents looking for childcare.

Nannies and au pairs are both extremely different and it’s important that you understand the differences and exactly what you’re looking for from a childcare provider, before you make any decisions. Which is why we’ve put together this article to help you.

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Should you pay your nanny a Christmas bonus?

Do you give your nanny a Christmas bonus?

A Christmas bonus is a great way to show your nanny how grateful you are for all that they’ve done over the past year.

Your nanny takes a lot off your plate by helping with homework, nap times, meal times, school runs and so much more. So, how do you show your appreciation?

Many families aren’t clear on why Christmas bonuses are important, or how to go about giving one. That’s why we’ve put together answers to the most common questions about giving a Christmas bonus.

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Christmas gifts for ex-charges and families

It’s that time of year when we’re making lists, just like Santa. Family, friends, employers, current charges…. The list for a nanny is long! We’re not going to come down one way or the other but here are some tips so you don’t get sucked into spending hundreds for all your ex-charges.

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3 ways to better manage behaviour


Obviously we’re always watching children but simply watching is very different to keenly observing with an objective in mind. If you’re notice a pattern of negative behaviour make a special effort to observe and find the triggers. Sometimes the incidents seem random but there may be a bigger pattern behind it – common causes are unexpected tiredness, over-stimulation, teeth coming through. Sometimes it’s linked to something that we’re doing, albeit unintentionally. A child who doesn’t know what is expected of them will lash out when confused. This is particularly noticeable when children are growing in independence and learning new skills, but at the same time the mistakes they make are behaviours we don’t want to encourage. It’s difficult to learn to drink from an open cup without spilling once or twice.

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