2020-21 NI changes

As an employer you will need to pay HMRC employee and employer Class 1 National Insurance based on nanny’s wage.

Employee national insurance is deducted from nanny’s gross salary, whereas employer’s National Insurance is an additional cost on top of nanny’s gross salary paid by the employer.

National Insurance is all based on the rates as below as per 6th April 2020:


Weekly Gross Wage Monthly Gross Wage National Insurance Paid  
£120.00 £520.00 0% lower earnings limit and employee not entitled to state   pension and as long as not working elsewhere does not need to be submitted to HMRC
£120-£183 £520-£792 0% lower earnings limit and NI threshold and needs to be submitted to HMRC as employee then qualifies for statutory payments
£169-£962.00 £732-£4,167 12% employee pays 13.8% employer pays
Above £962.00 Above £4,1687 2% employee pays 13.8% employer pays  



You pay this quarterly to HMRC along with nanny’s tax and student loan if applicable. If your PAYE bill is over £1,500 a month, you will have to pay your PAYE monthly to HMRC.

If nanny has more than one job, it is cost efficient to register separately as employers as each family will then get the benefit of the above exemption of national insurance.

2020-21 Tax

The standard tax code for tax year (20/21) from April 2020 is 1250L, this then means an employee can earn £12,500.00 per annum before they pay any tax. This figure is then spread over the relevant pay periods in the tax year (52 if weekly and 12 if monthly) this then gives the tax free allowance for each pay period.

This can only be used by one employer, and if nanny gets a second job Basic Rate tax must be deducted. Failure to deduct Basic Rate tax will cause an under payment of tax to nanny. Nanny will then either get a demand of unpaid taxes or her tax code will be reduced.

The rates for this tax year are:

Weekly Gross Earnings Percentage Tax Paid
Up to £240 0%
Between £240 and £961 20%
Between £961 and £3125 40%
Above £3125 45%

Nanny’s tax code may be increased if she is married and her husband does not use all of his tax free allowance (£12,500.00).

Coronavirus COVID-19

We appreciate nannies have a number of questions and are understandably feeling extremely

At BAPN we don’t pretend to have all the answers, in fact no one currently has – not even our
government or medical experts worldwide. The Coronavirus is a new virus. However, based on the
more common queries we’re receiving, we’d like to offer the following information and hope it
proves useful:

What’s happening?
The government and its health advisers are telling us that large numbers of the country’s workforce
are likely to be absent at any one time as the Coronavirus takes hold. We appreciate this is worrying
but bear in mind there will be varying degrees of symptoms, some no worse than the usual winter
Of course the impact on nannies won’t just be if they become ill or have to self-isolate. A further
unknown is what will happen in the event of schools and nursery closures? Just as their employer is
likely to need them more, nannies with their own children could find it impossible to go to work.
Likewise, those who have partners or dependents who become ill may also need to stay home…. and
so it goes on. The situation as it develops will have a major impact on all of us.
The best advice we can offer right now is that by working together and having open dialogue,
nannies and their employers can avoid unnecessary panic. Employers MUST adhere to government
guidance and if their nanny has to self-isolate so be it. Infected nannies or those who could
potentially be at risk, must self-isolate and stay at home and not show up for work as a result of
either misplaced loyalty or employer pressure. This is no different for a live-in nanny, the same
applies although it does come with additional challenges when the nanny’s home is that of the

Your Employment
Many employers in various industries are already considering allowing their workforce, where
possible, to work from home during this current crisis. However, the majority of nannies are simply
not able to work from home. That said, government guidance is still relevant and the requirement
on employers to treat their nanny fairly still applies. Nannies must not be put at risk simply
because of the nature of their employment.

The government is currently recommending that anyone who has recently visited certain “high risk”
countries or regions, or has had recent contact with someone who has, should isolate themselves.

For updated information relating to countries or regions considered “high risk” please visit https://publichealthmatters.blog.gov.uk/2020/02/20/what-is-self-isolati…
We understand the list of high-risk areas is being updated on a daily basis.
The government has also set out guidance on measures to take while in isolation: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/wuhan-novel-coronavirus-self…
You should familiarise yourself of these measures regardless of whether you are feeling ill or not.
If you know you have been in contact with someone who has a confirmed case of Coronavirus, or if
you have symptoms and, having contacted the NHS 111 line it was recommended you self-isolate,
you should follow instructions to the letter.

To get help from NHS 111, you can:
• visit 111.nhs.uk (for people aged 5 and over only)
• call 111
• NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

A period of suspension

Should an employer have concerns about an employee, in particular, where it is known or suspected
that they had contact with someone known to have Coronavirus, they might decide to suspend as a
precautionary measure. This is acceptable and must be on full pay unless the employee’s
employment contract allows for suspension without pay. This would be most unusual.

Sickness absence

It’s likely that this might become tricky for employers and employees on the basis that it will not only
be those who are ill that are off work but also those looking after family members who are ill or
those with children in the event of schools and nurseries being closed.
Please note: Employers are not obliged to pay their employee if s/he is not sick but cannot come to
work because they have been advised to self-isolate. Your employer can choose to treat this period
as sick leave and pay following their usual sick pay procedures or, offer you the option of taking
annual leave or unpaid leave.

Statutory Sick pay (SSP)

Eligibility for SSP can seem complicated at the best of times.
To qualify for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) you must:
• be classed as an employee
• have been ill for at least 4 days in a row (this can include non-working days), however the
government has temporarily changed the rules on this meaning payment will come in from
day 1 for COVID-19 symptoms or self-isolation.
• earn an average of at least £118 per week
• Tell your employer you’re sick before their deadline – or within 7 days if they do not have
The SSP payment is currently £94.25 per week
If you do not qualify for SSP, you may be able to apply for Universal Credit or Employment and
Support Allowance, and the government has made temporary changes in this regard. See their
website for the most up-to-date information.

Occupational sick pay

Many nannies, not all, will receive sick pay as set out in their employment contracts. All nannies
should dig out a copy of their current contract and be familiar with its terms, in particular, what
happens when the nanny is ill / unable to work.
It is most unlikely that your contract will include self-isolation, time off to care for infected family
members but nonetheless, be familiar with what is included.
Nannies are urged to speak with their employers about “What If”. What will happen in cases of
illness or isolation? Have this conversation as soon as possible and agree a strategy before anything
happens. We’d advise an inclusion is added to the employment contract so that expectations are
met and understood.

Sick Notes / Fit Notes Certificates of Sickness Absence

An employer will normally require you to produce a doctor’s certificate, or ‘fit note’, after 7 days
absence. Coronavirus symptoms are likely to last more than 7 days, and if you are unwell or in
isolation, it will be difficult for you to obtain a doctors’ certificate. In these circumstances, the
government has ruled that an e-mail confirmation of diagnoses will be enough for Coronavirus
COVID-19 and those in self-isolation. You can access more information online via NHS 111.

What if I don’t / can’t go to work through the current crisis?

There is no legal right for employees to be paid under these circumstances or if a school / nursery
closes and an employee is required to care for a dependent. Your employer could offer you a period
of paid annual leave or unpaid leave or allow you to work from home where this is feasible.
BAPN is urging all nannies to check their current employment contract and to have a conversation
with their employer now, before such a problem arises.

Lay Off

Employees who are willing and able to work but are not provided with work by their employer can
be placed on “lay off”.
Lay off must be with full pay unless there is a provision within the contract of employment for lay off
without pay. If there is no contractual provision, employers can attempt to agree with employees a
period of unpaid lay off. BAPN is aware that many employment contracts provided by nanny
agencies and some nanny payroll providers allow for lay off and therefore you should check your
contract closely.

Providing information, advice and guidance

There is a duty on all employers to keep their employees informed with up-to-date, reliable
information from sources like the Department for Health and Public Health England and nanny
employers are no different. BAPN is aware of some really dubious sources of misinformation, in
particular, that found on Facebook! This is far too serious a subject. Only seek information from
reliable sources only. Such as:






Form P60

A P60 Form shows how much taxable salary your nanny was paid in a tax year (which runs from 6 April to 5 April the following year) and includes how much Tax and National Insurance contributions were deducted from their wages.  As an employer, you must give your nanny a P60 at the end of each tax year, if they are still employed by you at the end of that tax year.

If nanny leaves your employment before the end of March, they will not receive a P60 from your employment, but will receive a P45 from you with their leave date and total earnings from your employment on the form instead.

Nanny’s P60 is proof of the tax they have paid for that financial year.  Nanny will be asked to provide a copy of their P60, along with pay slips from your employment, if they are applying for a mortgage, property rental or other financial service as proof of their salary.  As the employer, you should provide nanny’s P60 by 31 May, following a close of a tax year, at the latest.

If nanny provides you with a P60, rather than a P45 when starting in your employment, this cannot be accepted.  If they do not have a P45 from their previous employment, then they will need to complete a ‘New Starter Checklist Form’ declaring any other jobs, benefits or student loans.

Query on P60

After nanny is issued with her P60, she may look at it and query some of the details.

One common question from both nanny and the employer is that the total gross pay is too low. The gross pay is for the previous tax year only, not the whole of the employment and may also include earnings from a previous employer if nanny started part way through that tax year.

Another query regarding the pay is that it is too high. If nanny is paid a net salary say £1000 a month, they would expect the pay to say £12,000. However, that is the net salary, the tax, employee national insurance, employee pension costs and student loans are on top of this and then added to the net to give the gross salary.

Story Time: Why is it So Important?

Did you know that 20% of UK parents spend no time at all reading with their children? Or that just 50% of parents with young children read for just 1 hour each week?

Not only does reading to your children help to improve their academic performance, but more importantly it strengthens your bond, improves their imagination, helps children learn to read, teaches them about the world around them, and provides important morals to help make your child a nicer person.

Continue reading “Story Time: Why is it So Important?”

Valentine’s Day Activity Ideas for Young Children

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and it’s the perfect time for young children to unleash their creativity.

Choose from our top 5 valentine’s activities for young children and have a great day with arts and crafts making gifts for friends, family and nanny!

Continue reading “Valentine’s Day Activity Ideas for Young Children”

Nanny and Additional Employment

When nanny gets an additional job whilst still in your employ, it is her responsibility to make sure her tax codes in each employment are correct.

As an employer, you could always notify her of her tax situation in your employment and what should happen in her 2nd job. This way you have mitigated any risk of an under payment for nanny and potentially your costs increasing if you have agreed a net wage.

If you are nanny’s main job and have the tax code 1250L for her, if she gets another job, Basic Rate tax (BR) must be applied in her other job.  This can be indicated by nanny completing a starter checklist and ticking statement C –



Bank Holidays

Bank Holidays 2020

2020 is upon us and it is always handy to have a list of the bank holidays for the year and what day of the week they fall on.

These are the dates of the bank holidays in 2020 for England.

1 January Wednesday New Year’s Day
10 April Friday Good Friday
13 April Monday Easter Monday
8 May Friday Early May Bank Holiday
25 May Monday Spring bank holiday
31 August Monday Summer bank holiday
25 December Friday Christmas Day
28 December Monday Boxing Day


If a bank holiday is on a weekend, a ‘substitute’ weekday becomes a bank holiday, normally the following Monday.

It is worth noting that if nanny does not work 5 days a week that she is still entitled to bank holidays on a pro rata basis, for example if nanny only works 3 days per week then she is still entitled to 3/5ths of the 8 bank holidays whether her working day falls on a bank holiday or not.

Seven pros of sensory play

Sensory play is a catch-all term for activities which focus on stimulating a child’s senses : hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch. It can involve messy play, singing and dancing, cooking or gardening to name just a few activities which have maximum sensory input.


  1. Children learn best when multiple senses are stimulated.  Songs are more easily remembered than poems because of the additional sensory stimulation the music provides. Memories can be provoked by smells or tastes. Sensory stimulation makes abstract ideas concrete.
  2. Sensory play allows children to experiment. Experimentation is crucial for developing advanced cognitive skills such as analysing and predicting. It allows children to explore cause and effect and allows them to find solutions to problems.
  3. Children control sensory play. By giving children materials which stimulate their senses and letting them get on with it they are able to make decisions and follow their own path, which gives them confidence to take control in other areas too. They may initially be afraid of slime or gloop but giving them time and space to experience it safely they are in control of the experience and will participate in their own time.
  4. New experiences means new words to describe them. Sensory play is a goldmine for vocabulary and linguistic development. Children learn the meaning of adjectives such as warm and cold, sticky, smooth, slimy and hard as well as comparatives (bigger, smaller, runnier, rougher) and
    lots of words to describe actions.
  5. Sensory play enhances physical development. From dancing to music to trying to kneading dough or trying to pick dinasours out of slime, sensory play can be adapted to focus on specific motor skills or enhance overall motor development and hand-eye coordination.
  6. You can do sensory play anywhere, any time. You don’t need a special table with a waterproof cloth to take part in sensory play. Even mealtimes can be an occasion to stimulate senses by identifying colours, smelling the different foods and experiencing taste and texture.
  7.  Sensory play is fun for adults and children alike. Make a bowl of gloop and try not to play with it. We dare you!