Nanny and Sleepovers

Our recommended partners at  provide payroll advice for parents and have created this content.

If you are thinking of going away for the weekend, and have asked nanny to look after the children, should you pay her national minimum wage while she sleeps?

The court of appeal in July 2018 has stated you need to be awake for the purposes of working to qualify for national minimum wage.

This Judgement is likely to be appealed but as it stands the below will apply.

Once the nanny has been woken up, then national minimum applies.

If nanny is going to do sleep ins, it would be advised to agree a flat rate, and then in addition to that a rate for when nanny is awake.


Recent years have seen a soar in the popularity of Hypnobirthing. Perhaps once thought of as a bit ‘woo’ or ‘hippy’, more and more expectant parents are now tapping into the mind:body connection and learning simple yet powerful relaxation techniques to prepare for their baby’s birth.  So, what are the benefits: –

Hypnobirthing increases/improves

  • Confidence for pregnancy and birth (for mum-to-be AND her birth partner)
  • Flexibility during labour and birth
  • Informed decision making
  • Relationship with midwives/doctors
  • Higher Apgar score
  • Bonding with baby
  • Ease of breastfeeding
  • Smoother transition to parenthood

Hypnobirthing reduces:

  • Fears, anxieties and tension
  • Need for medicated pain relief
  • Requirement of medical intervention
  • Length of labour
  • Caesarean rates
  • Length of stay in hospital
  • Recovery time after birth
  • Incidence of post-natal depression

How does it work?

A Hypnobirthing course can be seen as a complete birth toolkit. It teaches simple but specific self-hypnosis, relaxation, breathing and massage techniques for a safe, calm and gentle birth. Simply put, the more relaxed and calm you can be in labour the more in control and positive you will feel.

Hypnobirthing also helps dads and other birth partners understand their role and feel confident about the practical and emotional ways they can support their partners.

It is for all types of birth?

Yes! The techniques are invaluable regardless of the setting, or the way in which your baby enters the world. In fact some of Hypnobirthing’s greatest advocates are those who, for varying reasons, had surgical births. The techniques that they had learned equipped them with the tools they needed to relax, remain calm, and enjoy a positive experience where they still felt in control.

The very point of the techniques is that they work when things are going ‘to plan’ as well as when things may take a turn ‘off plan’: what happens during your birth experience is less important than how you feel about what happens.

Whilst Hypnobirthing doesn’t promise a natural pain-free birth, it does give you the best possible chance of having a straight-forward, vaginal birth, and an experience that you will remember with only positive memories.Sarah teaches in Reading Berkshire. She has worked with many couples to transform their mindset from feeling apprehensive and fearful to feeling prepared, supported, relaxed and excited, and go on to enjoy a birth experience that is positive, empowering and calm.

My Mood Stars

Nannyjob are always keen to discover great ideas to encourage child development and we are really impressed with these fantastic My Mood Stars. The idea was thought up by former Childminder Wendy Elizabeth White and in the early stages of development her keen needlework skills came in very handy!  Each yellow star filled with cotton depicts an emotion. There is sad, happy, angry, scared, shy, silly, surprised and sleepy.  We all know that the ability to express and control our emotions and to recognise them in others is an essential skill.  However, for some children trying to communicate feelings can be difficult and frustrating.

Self-confident children in touch with their feelings find it easier to flourish in social situations. Indeed personal, social and emotional development and communication are key aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage in the UK. Children who understand and can express and manage their own emotions, as well as those around them, are more likely to develop a positive sense of self and be assured and inquisitive learners and these Mood Stars are a great way to encourage conversation and expression with your little ones. For more information please visit.

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What You Need to Know About Employers Liability Insurance (ELI)

Our recommended partners at  provide payroll advice for parents and have created this content.

ELI is a legal requirement for all employers in the UK, which is set by the Employers Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969.  As the employer, you must have insurance as soon as you employ a nanny.

Your policy must cover you for at least £5 million and come from an authorised insurer, as this will help you pay compensation if your nanny becomes ill or sustains an injury because of the work they do for you.

Continue reading “What You Need to Know About Employers Liability Insurance (ELI)”

Redundancy Advice for Parents & Nannies

Our recommended partners at  provide payroll advice for parents, and have created this content.

If a parent was to make nanny redundant the nanny would be entitled to redundancy pay after 2 years of complete service. The parent should have at least one meeting with the nanny to discuss redundancy and if there are any alternative roles – part-time nanny/housekeeper or going from live-in nanny to live-out. A 4-week trial period at the alternative role must be offered. A nanny can tell the parent that the job is not suitable within these 4-weeks, and this will not affect the nanny’s right to statutory redundancy.

If a nanny unreasonably turns down a suitable alternative to the current job, they may lose the right to statutory redundancy.

If redundancy is the only option, a parent must give the correct notice period and pay: Continue reading “Redundancy Advice for Parents & Nannies”

2019-2020 National Insurance Changes

Our recommended partners at  provide payroll advice for parents and have created this content.

Parents, as an employer of a nanny, you will need to pay HMRC employee and employer Class 1 National Insurance based on your nanny’s wage.

Employee national insurance is deducted from your nanny’s gross salary, whereas employer’s National Insurance is an additional cost on top of your nanny’s gross salary paid by you, the employer.

Continue reading “2019-2020 National Insurance Changes”

2019-2020 Nation Minimum Wage Levels

Our recommended partners at  provide payroll advice for parents & nannies and have created this content.

The National Minimum Wage increases from the 1st April 2019 and the new rates are:

Continue reading “2019-2020 Nation Minimum Wage Levels”

2019-2020 Statutory Payment Changes May Affect You as a Nanny

2019-2020 Statutory Payment changes

Our recommended partners at  provide payroll advice for parents and have created this content.

From 6th April 2019, the rates for statutory payments will increase to the following.

Continue reading “2019-2020 Statutory Payment Changes May Affect You as a Nanny”