We set up nannyjob in late 1999, when we were looking for a nanny - at that time there was next to nothing around!
We have thousands of nannies and other childcarers looking for jobs all over the country and overseas too. It's free for nannies and other childcarers to promote themselves on nannyjob.
At any time we have hundreds of nanny and childcare jobs that need filling. Jobs are posted by parents who are looking to employ a nanny directly and by top nanny agencies who have roles to fill on behalf of their clients.
Parents often ask; How do I find nannies near me. Parents can search the site for free. Parents only pay if they want to post a job or get in touch with nannies/childcarers.
Nannyjob remains a family business.
Jobs on the Net Ltd
020 7859 4925
The site is not a Recruitment Agency as defined by the Employment Agencies Act 1973 and therefore not covered by the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulation of 2003.
Childcarers and parents should always make necessary checks before meeting or engaging with those they find on the website.
We do not offer any opinions on childcare matters as we are not childcare professionals.
We always welcome any feedback or suggestions, you may have - simply send us an email.
Finally, if you do find a job or you employ a nanny through a contact made through this site we would be delighted to hear from you. We're very happy to hear from parents who have managed to satisfy their need to find nannies near me.